Hey, is that a black birth mark? Better have that removed. Heinrick will be disappointed.
Hey, is that a black birth mark? Better have that removed. Heinrick will be disappointed.
They’d kick your white dimpled ass.
How does it feel to be a member of a superior race? The Aryan race.
I can’t make up my mind. You might be a troll. Or you might be a Nazi. Not sure.
Lichenus siberioti
It runs deeper....SCS, Ag, Park Service, USGS (?).....blitzkrieg on those who commune with the planet it does seem. The end of science. As we knew it.
This guy just won a huge cardboard box of dildoes. Of all types. All colors. And then he can shove them up his......
No problem. The way things work. Now and then a turd doth extrude forth. An f’en freak of Nature.
This is good kinja.
Does your mother still love you?
God bless your beautiful heart. And your mom loves you too.
He is as vile as vile can be. And all the worse. Because he’s a tangerine.
Sarcasm is not well understood in Trumpistan. Its good citizens take sarcasm as alternate facts.
With the last peel of that bell, the new improved plan will be out. Within in the hour. Or so said “President” Donald. If the latter never happens. does that mean Donald is a piece of shit? Just wondering.
Such is the typical pathway and shitty fate of an American asshole.
Well said.