Be fruitful. Multiply. Desecrate. Extract. These are the will of the one true Deity, heretofore and thereafter to be recognized by relevant party beneficiaries as Long Green.
Be fruitful. Multiply. Desecrate. Extract. These are the will of the one true Deity, heretofore and thereafter to be recognized by relevant party beneficiaries as Long Green.
I have lived through eleven presidents. Obama is my president. My one and only. A gift was given.
I make sense of nothing. Including Trump. For he is nothing. Other than turd.
Tears on my pillow with dreams of the one person on Earth to accompany me on the most delightful dinner affair. Alas, in another Universe.
Yes. We are sorry. At least the majority of Americans that is. And the 50 percent change will surely make the US of A a much, much greater place.
You are so correct. All will be OK. In four years, one will not notice a wee bit of change. And life will be beautiful. We can hardly wait to begin the greatness.
Did the police or press interview the phone? I wonder how it felt about all this. Maybe it pressed the charges?
Oops.....are saying......there seems. Blush, blush.
The Washington Post, NY Times, and other Trump mob despised bastions of “libtards” will be awash with the Trump Ocean’s commentary tomorrow. Defending this swine. Blaming the woman. And accusing Obama of starting it.
I lived in Rep. Lewis’s district [Inman Park] years ago. (I wish I did still.) He is a beacon of integrity. A fine man. A hero. Trump is a pig.
Rumors are flying. And the best people are say this. There seem to be videos circulating depicting the old nasty No. 2 party trick. This is correct. Because people - good people - are saying this. Even Putin is not denying this information. Do your job Press!
Mandarin Orange Mugabe.
Amendment 5b to Amendment 12C to the Right to Plow Over Traitors Act.
I know a friend like your friend. Both friends have the same idea.
Amendment 12C to the Right to Plow Over Traitors Act.
“The state will be the most very tremendous state in United States history and with me as your leader, it will be the BEST!!! in the entire history of Earth! Much better than lame California. Think about it!!!”
Few are as intelligent as the very smart and very excellent Stooge in Charge. But I stumbled upon this fellow today. He seems as least as very smart as the SuperDeluxe Cheeto.
Like the new Maine north woods monument (wholly within North Trumpistan, i.e., District 2), these monuments will inflame the loving tender hearts of GOP trolls far and wide. I will not be surprised if Trump rescinds each and every one of them. Especially those in Nevada and Utah which now prevent unrestrained…