
“Journalism will kill you, but it will keep you alive while you’re at it.”
— Horace Greeley

Is all this sort of like bringing a knife to a dick fight? Just wondering.

Lighten up. Don’t be so persnickety.

Because he is a dick?

I adore the mathematics of the Trump campaign.

Hell has no fury like a Trumpster who loses. And there will be the hot breath of hell issuing from the House.

I can recall when Issa wanted Obama’s mortal soul skewered on a stick. Let us not mince words. Issa is a dick.

Try to live in greater Boston on food service (or nearly any less than upper middle class) wages. This is one of the most expensive regions in the country. Hell, teacher wages (me) can only buy rent. And dumpy rent at that.

I argued about it. The wrong side one.

Yes. He dreams dreams of the goddess he longs to be.

The Mayor is my favorite moron.

Gold. Platinum. Thigh Masters. And Shamwows. It’ll be tremendous.

He oozes charm.

As my students are want to say when repeatedly violating civil norms, “I was just fooling.” Probably the same for your turd man.

Gut wrenching hate makes their lives as beautiful as the magnificence of affairs at Mar-a-Lago. Groping there is as elegant as elegant can be.

We are tired of waiting. We need to see Donnie’s junk. Now. What is he hiding? Is the there there not as magnificent as we have been led to believe? People are saying his thingy is rather dinky. Puny. A pre-adolescent joke. They are saying this.

But gosh, they sure do look handsome in a long gun, bandolier, and CSA tattoo. Makes me wet.

Am I mistaken, or is this written in finger paint excrement? That finger was from a very foul place. And it was not the Lord’s touch hole.

Just because I am a shit ball, does not mean Donald is one too.