My sister worked with someone who had a service mini-horse to help with their visual impairment. That thing was awesome. It wore little velcro sneakers inside. It was smart as a whip and so well-behaved.
My sister worked with someone who had a service mini-horse to help with their visual impairment. That thing was awesome. It wore little velcro sneakers inside. It was smart as a whip and so well-behaved.
Peacocks are freaking MEAN. I wouldn’t want one on my flight, honestly.
Looking at your picture, I just realized that I don’t think I’ve ever seen chickens in the snow before. Ducks and geese, sure. But never chickens. They are beautiful! My friend sold his organic farm so I really miss having fresh eggs every week. Hopefully they’ll keep producing and it will warm up for them soon.
Well, there’s a reason that was on CL — so much illegal!
I am hoping that these are two separate groups, and your potential employers aren’t asking about your dating life because that’s illegal and what not.
Just keep telling yourself that everyone gets old (if they’re lucky) and this is something everyone over 40 deals with eventually. As far as people not liking your dating habits, fuck them, you don’t need that negative energy.
Good news MD, everything x’ed for you. :)
Trump himself spreads those rumors. He wants the world to believe he’s a virile and randy sex machine to disguise his incestuous yearnings and lust for teen girls. There’s not a woman on earth who’d voluntarily go anywhere near that shapeless wad of jiggling greasy flab and we all know it. He starts and spreads those…
Barney was the one thing that, as children, our mom allowed us to say we “hated.” She actively encouraged our disdain for Barney because she hated it so much.
Fun (not really) fact. Barney’s theme song was routinely used by the CIA to torture detained suspects.
Tyrannosaurus Sex
I can’t even imagine how hard it is to fit into those outfits when you’re always retaining water.
This is really funny. Not being snarky, you just told it perfectly, the whole tree disposal thing, truly captured the moment. I advise you to keep it up, it’s a talent no everyone has, being a storyteller.
I met my main squeeze when I was 36. But even if you don’t find a life partner, that’s okay. You are amazing, and you are enough.
This is good.
When the first guy I dated after years of being alone (because of weird emotionally abusive almost relationship fucked me up) ghosted me, I was shocked by how devastated I was. It had only been 3 dates. It wasn’t like I was in love. You perfectly described that feeling. It was shocking and abrasive. I’ve had trouble…
Good for you, Aimee. Like you when I was alone (non-stop for the first 30 years of my life) I shrugged and said “it’s just me, it’s just who I am, to be alone.” I tried to convince everyone around me that it was fine, it didn’t matter, I’d be alone forever and that was a-ok.