I wonder if Martha’s curtains match her carpet?
I wonder if Martha’s curtains match her carpet?
I work from home, have 3 kids here with another fucking snow day, and sent them all outside in the snow.
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I trust my dogs on their intuition...they smell douchebag a mile away.
I have zero faith in anyone who can’t match their foundation to their skintone.
The clothes are ridiculously cute! Mine are teens now and I still swoon at Target at the itty bitty outfits...probably because my kids never fit in those 0-3 month outfits(had to rerurn) and my first was over 10 lbs and a butterball turkey.
I felt the same way about babies until I had children. Dressing them up in an adorable outfit and then changing out of cutest outfit because of the smeared shit up their back or (more likely) spit up and vomit all over the cuteness. Babies are dirty.
I bought a family pack of beef tonight for my newly arrived foster dog who is skin and bones from the fuckwad owner who surrendered her to a kill shelter. I fed my children shitty sugary cereal (“Yucky Charms”) for dinner while I cooked fat balls of meat for this dog I just met to devour.
We have 3 misfit rescue dogs, one was returned 4 times to the rescue I foster for. Who’s a GOOD BOY?? Not my dog! He has legendary escape skills and can evade capture for hours...we finally had to reinforce our physical fence with an electric one and he wears 2 collars because...squirrels.
Not defective! I am most definitely introverted but have many extroverted friends and family that I love. I enjoy their company, but I’m known for Irish goodbyes and abruptly leaving gatherings because I’ve had my fill of people.
I love birds, and we have a flock of hens that lay eggs and are pets.
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They are all-weather birds:)