Ivana Humpalot

Right?! Essentially they are looking for a prostitute that can also do QuickBooks. For 20 bucks an hour! Do you get pictures of the perverted boss or is his attractiveness irrelevant because he has the power? So much wrong with this...

So this was an actual job post on Craigslist (I sent a perfect fake resume with photos of a female police officer):

Ageism IS real...I am 46 and went through something similar several years ago after I left the work force because 3 kids in daycare was fucking ridiculous.

Even Google face supports my theory!

Barney, Teletubbies, and Caliou...I’d rather my toddlers watch Road Runner and Bugs Bunny and drop anvils on each other. I envision hell blaring Barney songs 24/7.

Jurassic Fuck?

The bloat is real.

I hope they draw the line at hump implants. Camel natural beauty all the way...

“...noticing how endlessly watching can wear down our ability to do.”

We use Mushers secret on our dogs foot pads (a wax that gives them a protective coating) and avoid at all costs salted sidewalks and roads...It means changing my route and walking through snow, but it’s better than walkinh through heavily salted areas. I feel like I’m walking on marbles. Not fun with 3 giant dogs.

That is a very kind thing to say. Thank you.

It’s really not the worst thing...and I say this as a married mom for 25 years- I would KILL to be alone! I LOVED being single and living alone in a clean house where all my shot was where I left it.

I worked for Estee Lauder for 5 years and then went into the healthcare industry. I currently work in HIT from home for a cloud based company and love it....but spend my days in pajama bottoms with no makeup, not very glamorous at all. My kids cannot believe I ever worked I the beauty industry! It was a blast.

We donated a shitload of our kid’s outgrown winter coats, hats, gloves, etc. to our local church that his been inundated with requests from PR families now in the States and with no winter outerwear. With conditions as bad as they are, I have no doubt more PR citizens will have little choice but to leave and seek

I NEED to buy Black Honey- it was my first “real” lipstick that I purchased in 1990 from my college roommate who was working the Clinque counter and needed to meet her demonstration quota.

I hate the premise of political clothing that was probably Made in China in one of Ivanka’s sweatshops.

I just volunteered for my kid’s last elementary party! I brought in music and candy to play games, but sanctimommy room parent decided hyped-up kids should sit still and make crafts at their desks...the teacher caved to the moans and groans and let the kids free to roam the room, eat sugar, play cool games, and dance

I just volunteered for my kid’s last elementary party! I brought in music and candy to play games, but sanctimommy room parent decided hyped-up kids should sit still and make crafts at their desks...the teacher caved to the moans and groans and let the kids free to roam the room, eat sugar, play cool games, and dance

I worked in pharma for years and before drugs like SSRI’s, most people self-medicated with alcohol or street drugs to address common mental conditions. The biggest barrier to treating anxiety and depression is the stigma with seeking treatment, which is sad. Your leg hurts, you get meds. Your brain? Get meds!

I ate so much this Thanksgiving week I feel like I need a good stomach flu to loose this joey I am carrying around my belly.