Ivana Humpalot

You forgot “The only way to stop a bad guy with a video game is a good guy with a video game.”

“Grain of salt here, but Hope Hicks is reportedly about to REALLY cash in on her time with Trump.”

That is the happiest muddiest dog I have ever seen.

My dog got voted Dog of the Month at her daycare in January. I was legit more proud than if I myself has won a beauty contest. (Seriously there’s no one can resist this cuteness):

They are great for married people, too. I am married, but I am much more active than my husband is. He would never go hiking with me, but my dog is an enthusiastic trail partner.

I learned this one the hard way. Never again; if my dog dislikes someone, that’s it.

Your new dog can act as a filter, too. If s/he doesn’t like your intended paramour, DTMFA.

One of the best parts of having a baby (I imagine) is dressing them up, of course you couldn’t leave any of that behind!

I guess I could have announced in bold type that I bought them at Walgreens, which I’m sure is considered unacceptable by some.

They’re about four times more expensive at the nearest health food store which is a little over ninety miles away, but thanks for judging the ethics of a purchase I made while my daughter’s cat was dying.

Technically speaking, she is my daughter’s cat. She’s doing great, thanks. I force fed her six times a day for six weeks, which was an absolute joy as you can imagine. One of the standard treatments for fatty liver is surgically implanting a feeding tube, which costs about $2,000. I would have done that but my vet

Have you had any success teaching your counter cruiser impulse control? The trainer at the shelter I volunteer at taught me how and it’s amazing how quickly they can learn.

I want to play show and tell! First picture is Jenny she’s 11 and shedding like nobody’s business. I brush her often and she loves it.

Fuck it, Hybrid (Mutt) Vigor.

Ugh, I can’t even look at that picture of an imperfect dog.

Chokers are scary. If you’ve been strangled by a domestic partner in the past you are ten times more likely to die of domestic violence by their hand than average.

I stopped fearing and avoiding and opened my mail. Sounds ridiculous but avoiding the things the mail brings (usually bills and problems or something guilt-inducing) has been a feature of a long and difficult period of life that I’m *hoping* is lifting.

I think I hate people and interacting with people in any way, shape, or form. It’s not developing into anything serious where I act on my displeasure for other people, but there is a very strong part of myself that wants to live somewhere remote and away from the rest of society. Something about how I feel is worrying

FYI this is not me giving up, just need to rant.