lady in gray

1 pkg. chocolate pudding

Which is, apparently, the same thing as being an art school reject or a predatory actor. /s

Someone should tell him that a right wing boycott increases sales.

Those are useful facilities.  His name should be used in reference to flatulence and inferior cheese products.

Because some girls would rather sell stale popcorn than addictive cookies.

Goodwill is really expensive, for clothes that need to be washed twice before use.

Online recipe blogs assume you want to know how much the authors love their grandmother, and how much of a mess the food made.

This is also something that should never happen.

I read it as a charity situation.

I run with the vestigial word ‘stuffing’ even though it is a casserole.

Carroll Co? Eastern Shore? Gibson Island?

The fact that Aussies call it a sandwich is an argument in the ‘against’ column.

This is relative, though; firefighting with a slightly better compensation package than regular prison work is preferable to getting stabbed by other prisoners, beaten by guards, and looking at piss-soaked concrete floors, but that doesn’t make it good in absolute terms.

Unless you shamelessly drink it.

It’s surprising that they won entire states.

The staff seems more ‘deteremined to make a sales goal’ than helpful, every time I’ve ventured in.

40 hours is way too long.  6 hours is enough time for The Nutcracker, Messiah [really written for Easter, but ok], Mariah Carey’s 1st Christmas album + 1 free hour of hot garbage that never should have been recorded.

With squid, you can break down some of the rubbery texture by putting it through several freeze & thaw cycles.

“unsavory meat scents” is my 2nd favorite oxymoronic phrase, behind “zero-calorie energy drink”