
I didn’t go through as much of this stuff, I only have an MA and adjuncted for a while, but I got a full-time academic staff position through an on campus interview and presentation. I think that if you’re getting as far as the teaching demo, it may just be that your research interests just don’t fit with what the

I am very very ready to objectify plus size guys. Meeeee ow.

You realize there were prominent female writers in the 1960s, right? Taleses’ contemporaries include Joyce Carol Oates who out-wrote him in their competing works on Boxing, and the downtroden men who aspire to make their life in the ring or die trying.

Karaoke forever jam: Wanna Be by the Spice Girls. Come at me.

I can see that you’ve been inspired by Norman Mailer though. I can spot his insufferable condescending tone in your writing.

In the mid 80s a college professor told me a (possibly apocryphal) story about a male student who wrote an essay arguing that women were inherently less rigorous writers- using George Eliot’s work as an example of the epitome of said rigorous male writing that no woman could match.

Yup, there’s always some excuse so we can’t point out how shitty men are to women. Oh, but he is such a great sports player! Oh, but he writes so well! Oh, he is too young/old to know better!

I also can't name a single female writer that inspires me. I can't name a male writer who inspires we either. I am a sentient hunk of cheese that someone plugged directly into the Internet. I am inspired by mold and bacteria.

Good for them. I advocate doing this at every wedding. And theater events, dinner parties, lectures, readings, and... well, there’s no way for any venue to manage it for people on dates, but they should self-police and turn the damned things off.

Yes, let’s. Here’s my lil boo. Not a Samoyed but a Thai bangkaew. Still fluffy, still cute.

Can we just have an open thread of cute dog posts? I mean, here’s my Irish Wolfhound trying SO HARD to get her toy thrown.

I want 2!! No wait 4!! Screw it, Give me 7. 7 seems like a great number of Samoyeds.

I think there’s a bit of a “running with the boys” kind of mentality too - as someone who grew up religious/conservative, you want to prove you’re not one of those whiny feminists and can take whatever is thrown at you. You want to be identified more as a man than as a woman. And you learn to place the ideology over

their goal is to return America to the early 1950s

I mean, he said his stance on abortion changed because a man he knew ended up being glad that his wife didn’t abort her pregnancy.

I know, this paragraph just killed me:

Right! Where were all these women when they kicked out more than a dozen black women at a campus in Georgia or that young (black) lady that was assaulted and humiliated at a Trump rally? They picked the wrong hill to die on but hey, they’re gonna cape for each other. Women, gays, blacks and Latinos in the GOP are

First off - the fact that this man has no empathy and is clearly a narcissist is one thing. But can we please acknowledge that he can not even speak about “women” or “women’s issues” without talking as if he’s speaking to men about them? By that, I mean he will keep saying “I’m gonna be so good for women. Women love

I’m so glad we have Piers Morgan to tell us what feminism is really about. What would we do without him?

As a mediocre, middle-aged, white male who cannot sing or dance but was very funny in high school plays, I am glad that society FINALLY allows me a chance at Broadway stardom!