
Nothing says Michigan Republican quite like going after the public school teachers and the MEA. That lawsuit was RIDICULOUS, but so was most/all of Snyder’s governorship.

Republican name recognition is huge, but I’m wondering if Schuette is dropping the ball by treating the Rockford/Belmont/Wolverine water issue similarly to how he’s treating the Flint water crisis. It’s one thing to ignore the water crisis in Flint, but in majority-white Rockford? Not acceptable. (Sarcasm, of course.)

I just realized why I never think that crew necklines look good on me— no matter how hard I try.

I absolutely love this show and rewatch it once a year. No shame in my Greek game.

It’s almost as if he was predicting his future...

I did Lexapro with Effexor for a while— until I had a complete mental breakdown. Toned down the Lexapro and stayed with Effexor for a couple more years. Now, I’m on Zoloft with minimal side effects.

They sold out to Conde Nast in 2006 before they made it big. Should have waited for a bigger payout, but...

...because that’s the family name? You’re right, it’s Dutch, but even the wealthy families have had their last names butchered in translation and in history from time to time.

I ran in the same circles as his children, who I know went by different names at school (same with the grandson of a fairly famous grocery store owner in the area). Lord knows the dirt that has been swept under the rug with that family. So. Much. Dirt.

Already cried on the phone with my mom, but I can’t tell if it’s because I’m scared or so disappointed. Probably a bit of both.

Ah, comparative politics is my second field, so I don’t teach classes in that subfield anymore.

Sigh. Duverger, I have such an academic crush on you.

Me too! He’s my go-to guy for my week on electoral rules in comparative politics!

Fried spaghetti sandwiches were pretty much a weekend staple in my house growing up. I haven’t had it in years, but I’d be willing to try it again with cheese... for science.

I just put myself back on medication (Zoloft, to be exact) because my anxiety and depression were at a point where I couldn’t control them and I needed something to just keep me even-keel. So far, it’s been working well and I haven’t had any super noticeable side effects.

I met some really good friends in my graduate program just because of the amount of time we spent together/going through similar things at the same time.

To be fair, I did that while on the way to meet a friend. I drove by his house about a year and a half after and the anger (and anxiety) was still there. Definitely raised my middle finger and glared while I did so.

If it’s on Netflix, I recently watched and adored Love, Rosie.