
I knew Scheutte was going to run when he stopped filing appeals against returning the 3% collected from teachers. Police and firefighters had theirs returned 6 years ago, but Schutte always blocked ours until 5 or 6 weeks ago. Now suddenly, as of December 20, we’re going to get that money refunded. And he apparently

A) Yes, those tops are a great example. Honestly, I know what you mean and that you mean well here, but your response is maddening because look at these models, look at the fit:

I know it’s cultural appropriation but it’s really cultural laundering (a term I’ve just invented that’s a portmanteau of cultural appropriation and money laundering): take ill-gotten gains (say, R&B music), run it through a front (change something, slightly), and suddenly your ill-gotten gains are clean (white people

Eh, I’d argue that if Trump willing to engage in racism for personal gain, then Trump is a racist. To be honest, that’s pretty why most people engage in racist activities any way. Yes hatred for others is a big part of it, but they stand to gain off of another group’s suffering, even if it is collectively as a race.

Spare me.

Not sure what your race is. I’m a Black female raised in Alabama. And I grew up with this image ingrained in my mind from childhood. Stories from my Mom about her childhood.

Exactly! This shit is not something new. HELLLL....I’m only 36, and I know what it’s like to be personally victimized by the Klan. The dog shooting wasn’t the only time. It was a sexual assault when I was 11. He got off because he was a former sheriff deputy. White America would be surprised how many KKK members are

I just couldn’t get on board with Hillary’s pant suits, but then I don’t like pant suits, so it’s my problem. I know a lot of younger women think that dresses and skirts are a nod to patriarchy, but I love being able to move and sit without my butt and crotch getting all pinched and such. Also cooler. I’ll bet men are

i agree! I fucking hate her guts straight to hell, but she looks nice. Like, sean spicer couldn’t find a suit that fit, and that’s much easier for men - but she looks great. That is the first and last kind thing I will ever say about her, too.

Unpopular opinion, but I think Sarah Huckabee Sanders looks great, especially before she got Mooched. It’s nice to see a woman of size look professional and not dowdy. I’m a woman of size entering a conservative profession and it is hard to make conservative clothes look fashionable when you’re not thin. She’s

Thanks, I hadn’t seen this article yet!

“letting them know the vote had put Alaska’s future with the administration in jeopardy,”

I’ve lost a lot of respect for him, and my sympathy is limited especially in light of the fact that he’s got full health insurance and won’t have to worry that his illness, treatments, and hospitalizations will bankrupt his family, yet he is okay with taking healthcare away from millions much less able to pay out of

John McCain is someone who is hard to put into context, I think.

I honestly don’t give two fucks about John McCain. He gets to die surrounded by family without having to worry about burdening anyone with insurmountable medical debt because of his excellent insurance and considerable wealth. All the while, poor people who face similar diagnoses will not fair anywhere near as well

I preferred Cappie with Rebecca, tbqh.

Oh god, I had forgotten this show. As a girl living in a sorority house the year that this aired, it was a weekly ritual for us to cuddle up on the couch with some wine and watch, slightly jealous we didn’t have nearly this much money and always shouting“that’s not how any of this works.” We were sucked in all the

Cappie, will you always be chill for me?