Purple Sheeple Eater

If you ever visit Madison WI, get the Meatloaf of the Gods (or Meatless Loaf of the Gods) at Monty’s Blueplate Diner. Lives up to its name.


Also shelf-stable pudding. The only time shelf-stable pudding is good is when you’re snowed in.


I feel like you have to have a big surprise fire at least once in order to remember that you can put it out with baking soda.

That shit was AWFUL!

David Harbour is so excited and that makes me excited and now I wanna punch some Nazis in the face!!!!!!!!

I’m a little bit confused by the environmental protection bit (note, I woke up 20 minutes ago, and just read about CalExit for the first time maybe ten minutes ago, so...not all there yet). CA is tied to the rest of the US geographically, and I’m thinking particularly of rivers and water sources right now. If fracking

I live in West Virginia and am deeply saddened and frightened by the Trump presidency and all the destruction and division he has sewn since taking office. I don’t think calling everyone living outside of CA “backwoods, cousin-porking booger-eaters” is helping anything but your sense of superiority.

Do you really have to be such a dick?


Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! O_O

I got these traps a few months ago and they are da bomb:

This whole time I just thought it was a little apartment for rodents, their poop, and the insulation they tear out of the walls. :/

I was briefly in love with UB for a time. Some of those episodes made me cry. There’s this infamous episode, I think it’s in a hooters, and the boss gives one of the hooters chicks money for a boob job. Like he explicitly says “here’s some money to get your boobs done” or something. It was awful.

I switched from a 4WD Jeep to a RWD Chevy S10 (looks cool but not functional for this type of stuff at all) and I miss my 4WD so much. Everyone with 2WD says that “helps you go not stop” thing but I miss much more about the 4WD. It seemed to have better traction in general, no slippin or slidin, and easier stopping.

Look up “windshield de-icer” on Amazon (or the ND Walmart has some, I’m sure). I swear they make a kind for car doors. It will save you. Also, handwarmers! Also work as footwarmers! & Kitty litter for getting out of pesky snowdrifts.

Turnips and other root vegetables! But especially turnips.

Soooo....I watched the whole 10:49 of that, but I was also multitasking eating a bowl of mac and cheese, so it wasn’t really ten minutes of my life that I regret or anything.

Is it just me or is the accompanying image kinda weird for Jez? In light of the DAPL...?