Purple Sheeple Eater

Oh man. Dark Skies was so good/terrifying. It creeped me out for weeks afterwards, and I fed my terror by googling conspiracy stuff about aliens. I had to buy a picture of an alien smoking a joint afterwards, to convince myself they just wanted us to “take me to your dealer.”
I know my grammar is crappy here but fuck

I need some bralettes in a 34J. Or at least some wire-free bras. Can someone help me out? I don’t care if they come from amazon. Halp!!!!

I need some bralettes in a 34J. Or at least some wire-free bras. Can someone help me out? I don’t care if they come

I hear ya girl....I get everything at barenecessities.com when they have a good sale (like 25% or 50% off...eff yeah). I’ve done price comparisons on amazon and it’s the same price as bn.com, and bn has a really nice return policy.

I hear ya girl....I get everything at barenecessities.com when they have a good sale (like 25% or 50% off...eff

All the stars for you!

Fuck you man. She was the only anti-frack candidate. She was the only candidate who addressed the Dakota Access Pipeline issue.

Now playing

Clinton is just as awful and corrupt as Trump. Kaine was called “big oil’s dream come true.” I don’t know why the gawker empire stood so steadfastly behind Clinton. We never had a choice in this election.

We were discussing the election at work today and all agreed (except for boss who is somehow pro-Trump even though he’s generally pretty kind and quite smart) that Trump and Clinton were equally scary. None of the candidates are great choices, including the third party candidates. Why can’t we admit that Hillary is

I only came here to say this:

....I agree with viciouslies. I read maybe halfway through this thread, and I’m glad you’re here, man.