
Haha the Metroid one looks a bit like an old-school FPS from Doom era~ C:

The town where I live had a very strict workhouse from what I've heard- even forming the basis for some of the events in Oliver Twist!

I buy CDs- I don't download anything :D Plus I don't use them on my phone at all- I use my iPod at work.

Don't remind me...20 years...is a long time~ XD


Oh I'm sure ~ :P Just a stab at how many see things too seriously, knowing the game is neat, learning is good- playing with friends or a group of buddies online can be fun! But get thrown in with a bunch of ...mmm... "THOSE" kinds of players... yeah :P

"Would you kindly watch Woodhouse for me please?"

Doing some overtime I guess~


Woodhouse? Why would I need to see Woodhouse when my b- :P

Why would I need to read anything when I can just get my butler to do it?

..if only it was this simple for wires!

Pair of closed thighs to me

Good for you~! Just because you're not an "elitist" pro player doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself how you want to.

Anything is possible...if you can't put your mind to it someone else will.

What a world we live in!

:D! That's the one

Agreed- many of these videos and "Youtube/Twitch Celebs" are like you say, in it for the views and money over actually enjoying the games they play anymore...

Pretty much sums up most of the gaming communities nowadays~!

Me too- no amount of "but you should just try it!" is going to sway me either.