
How’s it immoral to charge appropriately for your product given the brand name and limited run? They’ll sell all 1000, proving my point. They’re a business not a charity and this is not a product for children.

If you do a 360, you're making a full circle and going back to it...you must mean a 180 right?

I really don’t feel like these true crime pieces fit on io9 at all. They’re just... unpleasant and jarring. *sad face*

Cat version.

At least ten.


Damn. I don't have that much monies.

well its razer. so expect over paying for the name and logo.

Too many monies if you ask me.

That’s a lot of monies! D:

All of the monies.

...and how many monies will it cost?

What do you think all that sweaty grappling and grunting is about?

Signed in just to post a reply to this. Med student here. While there might still be some distrust here and there, there’s a huge push by the entire healthcare system to get pharmacists more involved (we call them “patient-centered homes” in my state). In every hospital I’ve worked at so far there’s been a strong

That’s one of the things that I really loved about the UK. They actually allow pharmacists to do a lot of things—from administering STD tests to diagnosing ear infections—which made getting small problems taken care of so much easier and lessened the burden on doctor’s offices.

I had the orange faceplate on mine back in the day- god I feel old...

Herps of the Sterrrrmmm

My black machine of 16 bits will never leave my side...SEGA DOES WHAT NINTENDOESN'T! *_*