
Pokémon Rumble World is going (already out in Japan) physical- gives all the diamonds to you from the start too to eliminate the F2P aspect.

Skrillex isn't for the "die-hard" :V

Preinstalled means less space =/ A nice idea but yeah...DONT GO ON ABOUT external storage I KNOW! D:<

Preinstalled means less space =/ A nice idea but yeah...DONT GO ON ABOUT external storage I KNOW! D:<

That’s a lot of monies! D:

...and how many monies will it cost?

I had the orange faceplate on mine back in the day- god I feel old...

Herps of the Sterrrrmmm

haha- the way I see it- both had their merits!

My black machine of 16 bits will never leave my side...SEGA DOES WHAT NINTENDOESN'T! *_*


Purple~! Very pretty

That exact article was posted a few weeks ago on Kotaku...do a little digging and you'll find it!

Mmm I guess, yeah- the earlier games didn't have the proper "exploration"...what about...mmmmmmm...well Croc was 97...

-ehem- Don't forget Crash Bandicoot came out in 1996 too!

Aaaa it was tempting! Bit lazy though :D

God I remember finding an exploit to getting 7 Gobbos on the very first level years back all on my own! :D


We need a troll to tell us their uneducated reaction?

Ah well playing custom things on Doom couldn't be easier really, get a source port set up, have a look about online...AVOID Brutal Doom and she'll be getting into all those brilliant things in no time~!

Even better- a fixed port with the sounds fixed! :D