
Fun...? ...MOBAs are not meant to be FUN...!

You know I was going to post that Ron Swanson "Don't even care." gif but I seem to be unable to paste anything here :I Not even URLS

This GIF sums up most of my life.

Ask! Make it happen :3

...well what else do you do with music? Listen to it...you know?

Not before I'm done shouting at the clouds! >:(

Yeah...I get later revisions count- but for the most part..~

...American torture device then?

Proving what....how big headed you are? I don't care how you want to listen to your music for your fine tuned audio senses- I enjoy the quality I have. Good headphones and some nice music helps me just fine. Granted I don't like LOWER quality, nobody likes to hear stuff through shitty phone speakers blasting at 96kbps

...or a Virtual Boy

You just need the right screwdriver.

Dogs can be arseholes too...but mainly cats.

I'm enjoy my music just fine thank you! :3

Welp just sat and read all of Gamercat :3

Just not sure I would be able to get into it- not having played the first that's all

It would seem that way, bugs have been around forever but like you said times have changed and it seems that getting a game out ASAP is more important to some bigger companies than it is to take their time and actually make sure the game is good to go before it's out the door!

PC Games could do that kind of thing, but what about console games? :D

Giving a star so you're out the greys- but I think you replied to the wrong comment!

Not even reported in magazines? Not so much in the ways of "bugs" but things that shouldn't be.