
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Gg- but I think North Korea just hates anything that isn't North Korea

These are glorious!

Or grey depending on which one you're playing

Every time I see those huge glasses I cringe inside and out D:


Trivia- Cyriak is also a Doom mapper :P

Agreed- people can be morons regardless of skin colour or background.

So someone calling out racists...is a racist themselves? D:

Well who is the most :P

Well it seems to be that way on these kinds of news sites, and the commenters too.

Just wait till the server segregation starts..."Rust Server: NO BLACKS"


I think this event is showing already :P

Perhaps that choice of "you are who you are" could have been made at the start...and THEN unchangeable? At least then if you wanted to be a racist white murrican you don't have to be stuck with something you hate.

That's neat- so long as it's not just "black outlines" and more work~

I think it should be more than just "outlines" to make something look like Borderlands...I feel new textures would add to it more too.

Only for so long...poor Kurobe!

Only for so long...poor Kurobe

Bomberman didn't die....