
Oh with that argument yes! But that is done in style...and SCIENCE...usually!

What kind of cell phone is that? Pft nobody uses flip phones anymore

Now playing

I have a group for you guys to take a peek at:

Stuff like that can be seen as art though- a well taken photo can invoke imagination, thoughts and emotions...or sometimes it's just damn cool!

So long as the item isn't rare and a piece of history I don't give a shit if people wanna waste their money C:

That doesn't stop lesbians...

You know Golden Souls 2 is being made...but NOOOOO another shitty post about an overhyped POS.

Drama, racist remarks in and out of the files, stolen content without credit...the list goes on.

Curious on your prescription- I'm a lab tech in an optician~

C: This is the nice one!

The joke


Can that even be a thing?

Ugh and it's all those negro gay people's fault again.

My phone doesn't really do a whole lot anyway :P So I don't plan on it


...but I don't have a Facebook...am I alone in that regard then? D:

True...but shuffle doesn't require a shit tone of grinding or waiting...you can play it on a break or for a quick time then put it down. You're not "waiting" for things to happen or paying for it to go faster.

The Dream MachineĀ©

Mmm that wasn't really done too badly...and it's not too intrusive.