
So long as that "pay to win" shit doesn't spill over into the main base, then I have no issues with it...

Looks nothing like a Gameboy game....but it does look fun!

Might want to see a doctor...actually no...a road worker

Don't let the man get you down...you can do this!

I peed a lot its okay

I like the look of this! :D

I agree- can't stand the things

...burnt poop?

..and actually it was more of a stab at the "download huge game before even thinking about playing it" kind of deal, whereas games of old...well...and fairly new-ish just let you pop in the cartridge/disc and play straight away!

Me too C:

Enjoy your bait

I doubt you do own it- and actually I don't give a shit about this new fangled game! :D

My body is ready!

Someone can't do maths

Welcome to the future~!

Dear god that neck...

Well we never really had them...I remember playing the demos though and enjoying them all!

Better don your tinfoil hat then!

Dying on pier stream!

Should have gone to Specsavers!