

Mingbag is something I remember XD

No more whiney 12 year olds! UNLESS THE AI COPIES THEM! D:

So pretty! Love the eyes~!

Never was a SNES console player, but I have heard a little bit of the music via Theatrhythm: Curtain Call though...what kind of game is it like compared to the other Final Fantasy games?

I think the old toys though- as akin to the "franchise" is what Andrew means- no MICHEAL BAY here!


Mhmm! I didn't play them more before UGGGUUUU but because most of the Japanese made levels, horror or not had their own style to them...much nicer than the crap that used to flood the popular levels...stolen old LBP stuff, unoriginal costume levels, or just really really bad "BOMB SURIVLA NOW WIT REAAALLL

Awww...yeah the full box, manual and everything! Funny how it's not as common in the US afaik, I have PAL version so eh...I know the Japanese one even has a proper intro in sprite form!

I remember the Japanese ones being very creepy at times, there was one based on the concept of a family committing suicide one by one in often gruesome ways, along with a ring hidden Easter-egg if you fell in a well and waited...suddenly it would fill with water and you would have to drown! D:

I prefer the old one to the newer "remake" ...I came expecting the same classic feelings I got from the original...just didn't get them! D: Still own an original copy that came with my preowned Megadrive I got a few years back on Ebay, the whole set (including COMPLETE boxed RKA) came to less than the game goes for

Depends...would be awkward in certain situations!

Aw that's lame :( PS3 plays them though! However I am playing the PC version C:

Cooling fans for their crotches? D:


I've been playing Oddworld Abe's Exoddus!

Why are there not more people like yourself? A month isn't THAAAAAAT long!

Sssh Hollywood will steal your plot!

Just piss in a jar and be done with it!