
If that's real bamboo ...lets just hope those ends are sanded WELL...nobody wants splinters!

Already shops pull out their Christmas shit here in the UK around this time...the funny thing is around Christmas is when most get their EASTER stuff delivered for their warehouses.

Thank you come again!

Or Facebook~

Not just Microsoft more recently it seems!

I actually misread this as "Ate a cow" and wondered what was so odd about that

It seems the "Pay to win" strategy isn't just limited in-game anymore.

No classic V-Rally? More so V-Rally2 though on the PSX...it had a fully 3D node based map editor that you could bend and shape to your will in real time!

...and I'm in Hampshire! :D

I'd give it a try if it comes over here to the UK! I have a sweet spot for Citrusy things


Give it 10 years- sounds "futuristic"

If they didn't have their eyes glued to their phone from about 10-15 feet away from me they would.

Well I guess it's a game to them- chasing them about and the like- sometimes they eat them, sometimes they just kill them. I'm in the UK so we're not talking horrible poisonous spiders, just house spiders.

I listen to music myself walking to and from town, and I use over-ear headphones...though not connected to my phone. My attention is always focused and where I am and what's happening, especially by a road- if there is a chance something could come both ways I always look as you should. Perhaps I should do that kind

...and does it work? :D

Ditto- only a couple of ours actually hunt and kill lil' creatures, mice, screws etc- Either left in the house or out on the path in the garden. Usually the lower half ~ :P

Every time somebody is walking at me with their eyes glued to their phone I feel like smacking if out of their hand and snapping at them. I'm fully aware where you are going but I shouldn't have to walk around YOU into the road or over the grass just because you're the one too occupied with your Facebook than you are

Mmm...business opportunity is arising!

Not just as simple as replacing a busted controller thrown at the wall...or is it!