
Executions won’t help those feelings, another reason of many why we shouldn’t do them.

My country last used it in 57. Abolished it in 61. It was the last paragraph that was most chilling for me. In lieu of a decent mental health system, execute them instead.

Yet another reason to get rid of the death penalty. My state got rid of it unofficially in 2000 and then made it official in 2011.

Yep, they say justice but does it in criminal and underhanded ways. Just to kill, what a load of shit the DoC and DA are.

compounded with fear that a new supply won’t be readily available

+1. I turn off NPR whenever he starts talking. I prefer to read my daily dose of stupidity. Most preferably with a heavy dose of Jez snark to make the medicine go down.

Librarians are not to be fucked with! They will school you!

I saw that video with Maxine Waters and immediately thought of Shade Court. I am delighted by how much your column has influenced my life.

I think that’s very true. It’s definitely true of many white women I know. Plus many people who are light-skinned but have been victimized by racism at various times throughout history have been the “wrong kind” of Christian, or have been Jewish.

Good. 😊

Though it is important to point out that this non-democratic, human-rights-abusing post-communist regime led by ancient zombies permanently plugged into the world’s most advanced life support systems... only looks good COMPARED TO TRUMP.

#1 is such a big one. Anyone with left leanings in KS... it’s like you’re keeping some dark secret locked up in the attic. A couple of co-workers and I got to talking at lunch yesterday during a conference, and somehow mentioning our opinion that some people were just a wee bit too into their guns felt like something

(OMG tell me that there’s a whole series of misandry gifs JUST of Frank servicing Hotlips. XD They are really the perfect avatar for it.)

I was lucky enough to meet them both and trust me, sex with John would have been the way to go. The man was more gorgeous in person than in photos and just oozed sex appeal. A friend of mine went to Brown with him and invited me to a number of parties which John attended including one that ended up back at John’s

Back in the early 90s, I was at a dinner party (all gay men) and we were playing a who-would-you-rather game. Someone posed the hypothetical: sex with John John or dinner with Jackie. Naturally, most jumped at sex with John John. I instantly said DINNER WITH JACKIE!

The republicans are shitting themselves tho because we got within 8 pts in a state that went +30 to Drumpf. It’s not the win we wanted but it’s still a statement

Absolutely. Now here is someone who legit understands what ‘Christian principles’ are really supposed to be about- compassion! Empathy!

This man is a hero. The courage it must take to be an outspoken and highly-visible abortion provider in this day and age, when you have seen your colleagues killed, and in the face of rabid anti-choice activists and legislation, is tremendous. I fervently wish for his continued safety.

see my reply above

rumors were that him and JLaw were hooking up on the Press Tour but they turned out to be unfounded (at least my head canon says they are lol)