Right? This was straight-up a self(and family!)-preservation move.
Right? This was straight-up a self(and family!)-preservation move.
Chris Evans wouldn’t be allowed to return to Massachusetts if he spoke out against Brady. His uncle would probably be voted out of office if Chris went on the record against Tom Brady.
I used to live in a house that was converted into 4 apartments. The walls were super thin and I heard my neighbors having sex constantly. One night after accidentally drinking 5 glasses of wine and subsequent inability to give a fuck, I decided to take action.
Because you don’t want to believe your grandson did that terrible thing and did it on purpose, and its your own culture that supported your grandson doing that terrible thing.
You have no idea how much I hate that I’m here telling you that your plan is brilliant and thank you for caring about your kiddos so much. Also considering carrying a couple lollipops in my purse just in case I need to keep my own kids quiet in an emergency sometime.
arabs are kinda good at shade. my aunties are all so good at being so goddamn subtle and judgmental. i had never heard of arab news until this. a good first impression so far.
It really is. I was in India in Jan/Feb and traveled to 7 different states, Uttar Pradesh was just a whole another vibe. I would say it was more Mississippi than Florida. Very low literacy rates, very high poverty, the most unbalanced male:female ratio. Even my Indian relatives don’t really ever go there unless…
Uttar Pradesh (literally Northern State) has a population of around 220 million, barely a 100 million less than the entirety of the US, squeezed into an area the size of Wyoming, so you can guess why some of the weirdest stories of India come out of there. We’ve been carving pieces of it out to make new states, but…
There was a documentary on a little girl somewhere remote in Russia who’s junkie parents abandoned her. She was found raised by a pack of wild dogs. She growled or yipped, and moved on her hands and either knees or balls of her feet. The dogs were so protective of her. It was really interesting but sad.
I think it’s just a very outdated school of thought on how we learn gender norms, i.e. it’s primarily about the way you’re treated by your parents and the rest of society based on your outward appearance, as opposed to a more modern Butlerian ‘gender performativity’ view where it’s all around us to the point where…
And that’s how I became a fairly well-adjusted moderate liberal...
Parents banned videogames > I snuck in video games to the house and bought every console imaginable when I moved out
I sometimes wonder if I’d be anywhere near as liberal and feminist as I am if my parents hadn’t been far right-wing evangelicals. I like to think I would, but I’m also well aware that I’m a very contrary person.
I believe most of them arrive on rainbow-colored visas from Queeristan.
Ruth Gordon talks about fabric a LOT in her books How to be a Victorian and How to be a Tudor. Wearing the cloths of those times would be like trying to wear sandpaper or wire—there was no stretch or give AT ALL.
A reference guide for romance novels! Kelly you’re always looking out for us.
I do that in Utah. But only if I meet someone from Utah who has a last name of one of my family. I want to find out which wife they’re side of the family is from.
I’m from the South too. I think there is a difference in wanting to know who you have in common. I do this too. He was definitely always trying to figure out who was “somebody”.
I’m not sure if that’s just a southern thing or a “my fam has lived here forever thing” TBH. Definitely means more in places like Charleston, though.
This show fascinates and repels me. I can’t look away. Love the beautiful scenery. Am also incredulous that people still have these mindsets. I dated a guy in college who was from Charleston. He was obsessed with people’s family names.