
It really sucks when the older generation in your family grows old and dies. I have outlive almost everyone in my whole family and think about them often. Those first several deaths were a shock to my system, and I can still remember the sharp pain of that grief. Your tribute to your uncle was really lovely and I can

My uncle died yesterday. He was a liberal librarian who used to send me tapes of Capitol Steps. He drove old people to the polls. He spoke out against injustice. His name was Allan and he was amazing and I don’t understand how he could be gone.

Hi Jezzies, I want to thank a lot of you for all of your advice and offers of help last week, it has meant so much to me. I have found a cat sitter for Ollie and Can spend Xmas with family. Those of you who have seen me comment for the part 16 months know what a hell it has been for me. I attempted suicide and became

I woke up to a pleasant surprise early this week, that I’ve been waiting to share; I believe I am out of the greys! Thank you to whoever it is at Jezebel who had the faith in me to do this, I promise I'll repay it with quality posts and be as positive member of the community as I am able.

The author of that story (I read it last week) was on a solipsistic rumination about himself and what he perceived as his role in destroying a business he loved.

Not sure if this is up your alley, but Hot Fuzz? It’s basically Die Hard set in the English country side. Galaxy Quest and Groundhog Day are also my favs.

Thanksgiving has always been the best holiday for me, Mom and Dad. Even though it was just the three of us, Mom would insist on making a 23-25 lb turkey (they REALLY like leftovers).

I lost my daughter to suicide two years ago. Please be gentle with yourself and please reach out for help.

I’m very sorry for your loss. I second oldwomanyellsatclods suggestion on grief counseling or a support group. You might look for a local chapter of The Compassionate Friends when you're ready.

I am so very sorry for your loss.

Do non-tangible things count? I spent $2000 or so on the kayak trip of my dreams in Gwaii Hanaas National Park. I’d had a miscarriage, so I decided to take a 10 day remote trip that I definitely couldn’t have done if I’d become a parent. It was pretty awesome and I was a much better paddler by the end of it. Plus it

After my granFanda died, I discovered she had snuck little bits of money into money markets, CD’s and savings accounts in my name since my birth. I was notified of this by her sister via a post card with my first clue (because she made it a treasure hunt). All told she left me 24k. The knowledge of that money, of the

Something similar happened to me. Please remember that she had a fantastic life with you — far better with you than without you. Remember that everybody has a time to go, but at least you had each other. The author of the James Herriot books — which, if you haven’t read them yet, now might be a good time to start —

Bucky pupdate: he continues to be stinking adorable. I love his stupid face. I have removed the pen from the living room. He’s now free range whenever I’m home and doing pretty good with it (I have a small studio so it’s not super overwhelming for him). I just got Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution after using his

Earlier this week, my 16-year-old dog wandered off and I spent two terrifying hours looking for her in the woods in the dark and cold before learning she had been hit by a car and killed. I’m an introvert, perpetually single, and not someone with a lot of friends, so I spent way more time with that dog than any human

Sorry, have to repost: hit the publish button prematurely.

I got a promotion at work!! I've been bumped to a supervisory level and I'm sooo proud of myself. I am worried a little about how my anxiety and self-doubt will hinder me in the role, but my boss has suggested weekly debriefs to mitigate any spirals. So, yay!

Last week I gleefully posted that I was pregnant. A few days later I miscarried. I don’t even know what to say about it, beyond the fact I’m crushed.

Here’s a true story, no ghosts or italics.

12 lbs in 8 weeks is great! 10 lbs in 10 is likely water weight.  I’ve lost 26 lbs since April doing the same thing that you’re doing, and I feel a lot better about myself.