
I still can’t believe that the weird-looking kid from About a Boy turned out so smoking hot. 

My cats usually come when we call them, they are sort of dog like that way. We recently acquired a new cat (a stray who decided we were her people) who we named and converted to a house cat, and after just a few weeks she knew her name.

I just don’t understand the “obscenely huge glasses” look that has taken over, lately -- it’s gone positively redonkulous.

This will leave the Regressives in Oklahoma so conflicted.

You really should add gifs when you post something like that.

:( My stomach hurts.

Get over it, ya fat dink.

All I have to say to this Olivia Jade girl is “Ya basic”! I don’t even really know what that means, but it cracks me up every time I hear it on The Good Place.

You would love old towels that have been hung out in the middle of a southern Australian heatwave and then forgotten for a couple of days. They come back positively crispy. They were my favourite ones to find in the linen cupboard as a kid. You could spot them because they were fairly faded and basically rigid.

Hey everyone! I’m so glad to be SNS-ing tonight because I’m alive, and home from a week in a local hospital’s ICU! Things looked grim a week ago, when the doctor in the ER thought that I had had not one but two heart attacks, and in any event, I was in heart failure. Right??? Terrifying!

On behalf of Canada, we are is happy that you have discovered the treasure that is Schitts Creek.

Hey now; I thought Bright kicked ass.  So did everyone I personally know who's seen it, which is like, three other people.

If he had omitted the rapist’s race, and said “someone close to me was raped, and I spent a month prowling the streets hoping someone would start something with me so I could take it out on them”, how would you feel?

It seems people are having more trouble getting past the fact that the rapist was black and so Neeson


Shelter Cat Update!

I worked at a huge furniture company with a team of about 12 receptionists. There were a few older ladies and one had never been married and was already in her 50's so we knew she was never going to have children but she got an adorable white shitzu puppy. We decided to throw her a surprise puppy shower. Everything

She paid $233 WITH INSURANCE? I’m flabberghasted at how utterly FUCKED the system is at perceiving who is committing which crimes in this story!

The sociopath is Michael Hodge, 18, senior. Certainly, he can be held accountable for his actions at his age. 

From the Covington Catholic LinkedIn page: “Educating young men spiritually, academically, physically, and socially.”

They are rightly getting the public outcry and outrage they deserve. I’ve been following this on Twitter and wrote to both the school and the Covington Diocese. These kids didn’t just spontaneously become racists though. All those hats and t-shirts were likely purchased by their parents. I’d love to know how they’re