
Thank you pumpkin 

Thank you 

Yes I got in touch with them but the closest group is four hours away but they are going to send me some resources.

Thank you living outside of a big city there are not alot of resources face to face available 

I lost my daughter one week ago today. She was 27 years old and my only child. I know that I need to keep going for her and she would want me to be happy but what happens when the noise all dies down and people move on with their lives. How do you not let your loss just become an unbearable burden that you carry with

Hard to imagine living like that all the time hey 😥

Sounds amazing

I find it’s the humidity that’s the killer!

We get pretty spoilt here on the east coast and winters are generally pretty mild. Would love to experience a snowy winter just once though

So sorry to hear that. I have been through the same thing and recommend some grief counseling now if you can as I found it was like losing my dad twice. Once he was in palliative care he became a shadow of the man he was and it really helped me to cope during that time.

If you liked Skins give Misfits a go. Seriously great English show a mix between skins and heroes.

Weather thread

It’s become my weekly guilty pleasure show

Please don’t feel guilty. As a former heavy secret drinker I can attest to the time and energy you will put into your secret life so people wont know. I managed to beat it but would have hated anyone knowing at the time.

I am so sorry for your loss my heart went out to you reading this. I have two cats Suki and Millie. Suki is my favorite and she is coming is nearly 16 years old. Its going to hurt but I keep thinking at least Rosie was with you and happy the night before and she went peacefully.

Goals ☺

I have already missed the first two episodes so some effort is required to catch up. God I am lazy at times!

Thanks for the link. Seems like the show goes under the ‘life’s too short’ category!

‘This is Us’ has just started in Australia and haven’t made the commitment to watch yet as I have heard its pretty depressing. Would love to know what fellow Jezzies thought.

Love AHS but why would anyone want to sit through the last few months of 2016 again? It will be like watching a horror story when you know the ending.