
Goodnight Mommy - an Austrian horror film. It’ll mess you up.

Television Without Pity was the bomb.

Dude, you know she is a real human being, right?

OMG thank you for also finding the end of that movie ridiculous!  I thought I was the only one :(

I’ve seen The Human Centipede and it’s sequel (haven’t found time for the 3rd yet). Honestly... it’s not as bad as it sounds. After months of hyping myself up for it when I finally watched it it was a letdown. Yeah, it was gross(especially one scene in the second one involving an injection to get the poop a’flowin’)

So, I have been really close with this guy friend of mine for a while now, but tonight he defended Kobe Bryant. He said that the only crime that he had committed was being a really rich man who cheated on his wife. Then he decided to make the conversation unavailable (this is fb messenger) so that I couldn’t respond.


You are not going to pay the vet bill. The owner of the other dog and/or the grocery store is. Repeat this to yourself until you are pissed off enough to pull out your inner Darth Vader and make them do what they need to do. Stores need to stop rolling over for dumbasses who bring their pets to the store just because

Sooooo... I had an absolutely horrible thing happen today. I’m sure a lot of y’all remember Joss, my service dog in training.

A few years ago when I started going back to school, I came on Jezebel and posted about it and some people were saying “Go you!” And praising me for being a woman seeking a degree in engineering (I didn’t even mention I was 40 at the time, so not just a woman, but a middle aged woman). And it was so fantastic to have

So, I’ve posted on here about my attempts to get pregnant, and how stressful it is because I’m looking to switch jobs next school year. Earlier this week, on a post about Meghan Markle’s pregnancy, I sadly shared that we were officially at month 5 with no baby. Then... my period was late. And I took another pregnancy

I heard somewhere that someone had died of a fire while sleeping because of a tiny spark deep inside the pillow that ignited. Have you ever tried to sleep with a potentially treacherous pillow under your head? I was forever listening for the crackle of flames.


Huh. My dad actually got bitten by a red-back spider on the bum when I was a kid, he’d sat on an old copper wire reel and they were always in those things. (He used them for weeding). Luckily only the very old and very young usually die from red-backs and the hospital had plenty of experience with that sort of thing.

I feel you. As a child I was deathly afraid that a scorpion would swim up into my toilet and sting me on the butt while I was using the bathroom. I lived about 3000 miles away from any scorpions but I was convinced one would jump in the ocean and swim that far just for shits and giggles.

Hitchhiker’s Guide Douglas Adams and John Lloyd wrote a very funny book in the 1980s called The Meaning of Liff. In it they used place names to describe sensations. One was (this is lifted from wikipedia):

My great grandmother lived to be 99 years old and she did it by living harder than anyone else in the family. Her house had no indoor plumbing, and she’d haul water from the town reservoir every day. Her toilet was a bench with a hole in it set over a latrine that had been dug underneath the house. And this, dear

I hate basements, that’s fairly common. But my aunt and uncle’s basement had oil paintings of clowns and topless nudes (women of course). Basically all the tasteless paintings from the 70s my aunt didn’t want on the walls of her house. I slept in the basement when visiting and in my memory there were always summer thun

UK television’s uniquely terrifying children’s programmes of the 1970s - not just the obvious things like Doctor Who and Children of the Stones - but the stuff aimed at really young kids.

I was convinced that I was going to die by spontaneous human combustion after having watched some fake-science mystery show that I can’t recall, then again on MTV’s Celebrity Death Match. This fear lived with me for years—to the point that I tried to find the right ph balance for my food for fear I would create an

The buff kangaroos make me so uncomfortable afhiewfhiwfohawoi.