
I’m shocked. This is my shocked face.

She didn’t even get married yesterday. It was the day before, on Friday. That man is never informed.

Jodie was awesome, and it was great to watch the Doctor finding herself throughout the episode. Although it seemed like SOMEONE would have to get the axe the first episode I’m bummed it was Grace. Any of the other companions would be sad to lose, but none of them had that total gung-ho attitude towards their situation

Talking of TV I’m surprised jez hasn’t covered Doctor Who at all this week. I was a bit worried by the trailers before the premiere but now I haven’t looked forward to episodes so much since the Tennant days. Whittaker is great as the Doctor and it has a great comedic dialogue while feeling decidedly more British than

You know it, baby!

Khalsa, who had previously toured with the Red Hot Chili Peppers

Excuse me while I roll my eyes so hard I risk injuring them.

Thanks for doing gods work!!!

Aw, it’s nice your mom thought that. I would think he’s a murderer coming to kill my whole family in our sleep, but that’s the pessimist in me.

And here it is the first troll of the Halloween season. Party pooper

Don’t be a dick.

Rose is pulling a Kanye. Never go full Kanye.

My toy schnoodle puts his head in my poor staffy’s mouth every time he yawns. But I think that’s because he’s a fuckwit.

That seals it. Chris Evans is the reigning Best Chris.

This may be one of the biggest dumbest career-immolations I’ve ever seen.

the fuck is wrong with people

Ford’s comment about laughter being the most hurtful detail she remembered really resonated with me, and I teared up when she said it.

I LOVED this show. I got no “buts” for it. Just loved it. I didn’t need it to make sense, or mean anything. I loved all of the characters (and actors) in it and enjoyed spending 10 weird episodes with them.

I completely agree. The fact that I absolutely sobbed happy tears at the end means to me that it was worthy and enjoyable. It was trippy and escapist, and yes, it had its problems, but in retrospect if I had known how good this show was ahead of its premiere (it was kept a real mystery) I would have been really