
Just wrote a version of this on Twitter, will repeat here:

Point taken, but can’t we just have this moment?

I said this on Twitter but will repeat it here:

Oh nooooo! But...but at his age, this means he’ll probably die in prison!

Wow, and I thought it was fucked up that they let me in at 15. I LOATHE WW. Always will.

We’ve finished our cooking for the week and are deep into leftover territory (we plan it that way, each making two meals) so tonight we’ll be having either my husband’s succotash or his Mexican meat loaf. For lunch we had my red beans and rice casserole.

Prime steaks grilled, roasted broccoli with garlic (if you are still steaming broccoli please reach out - it is a sickness that can be cured), twice baked potatoes and cat that is living life in our garage at the highest possible peak. Minerva will not get down for mortal man.

I just made a big ass cobb(ish) salad. Chicken, eggs, bacon, feta, cherry tomatoes, a little avocado I bought at whole foods today because now I can eat an entire avocado is one go. Also fig tahini dressing I also bought at whole food because why not.

My cat is helping with my tablescapes...

I recall a girl in the 8th grade who used to be fat AND ugly. Anyways, I was always nice to her, as I was to anyone who was nice or neutral to me. Then she lost weight one summer while simultaneously growing natural C cup sized breasts (in the 8th grade still). Long story short, this girl who I was always nice to and

That thing looks absolutely delicious!

zomg this is early...

Oh, please, you act like I had pop-pop in the attic.

....cackling at the end of Seven.

Jesus Christ, what a smug fucking thing to say. Congrats on your weight loss, but would be more impressive if it wasn’t delivered with a heaping side of judgement for millions of people who you don’t know and aren’t you.

Taylor Swift with her privilege and her motherfucking squads and all her carefully concocted blech.

I have always hated her too, even before all the “A Low Vera” stuff and the rumors of her being a giant asshole to work with (I don’t think I’ve ever heard a kind word spoken about her). I just don’t think she’s talented or attractive - I never “got” her.

I just want to add that the fear she had was paralyzing, seeing the person you love afraid that she is dying or has cancer and not being able to do anything or even assure her that she was wrong and isn’t dying is one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced.

I have terrible knee, hip, and back problems. I’ve been told repeatedly that I should lose the weight to make things better and that my weight is the cause of my problems.  No doctor has listened to me when I have told them that I have had knee issues since I was a skinny 12 year old or that the hip and back problems

I used to think that weight was between a person and their doctor. Then I had sciatica about 10 years ago. My first neurology appointment the doctor shamed me for 45 minutes about how my weight was causing my sciatica. Fast forward 9 years and 50# lighter.... I still fucking have that sciatica and wish I could scream