
Film reimagining: A 12 hour period wherein women get revenge on the men who hurt them and they won’t be charged for it: the purge

I have been sober 5 years and I personally wouldn’t want a long-term relationship with someone who wasn’t also sober because I feel like the non-sober people I’ve dated don’t really get it although other people drinking/using around me doesn’t tempt me or bother me anymore. It’s different for everyone though and I

Yeah nah. We’re gonna say ‘arvo’ no matter what haha. 

I’m from Australia, when we talk in slang no one else in the world seems to understand us at all :) 

About a year ago, I started posting on here about how I was dissatisfied with my sex life with my husband. With support from this community, I started seeking therapy and came to realize that my dissatisfaction with my sex life was an indicator of the emotional abuse that I was experiencing. I left my husband in

Good evening! Just thought I’d pop over and post a picture of my super awesome bow tie wearing dog, Fred. And yes, his favorite film is The Shining. Hope everyone had a great week!

What a week! I feel like I wasted most of it sleeping in late, since my work schedule got fucked with (i.e. more night shifts), and it just threw me and my overall energy off completely. Hopefully will feel more normal next week, I always just feel like a sloth who never fully wakes up when I sleep for more than 6-7

From the age of 14 to roughly 19/20, I had my goth phase. At the time a standard outfit would be black top, usually with a skull on, black skirt, and boots. Depending on the top, there would sometimes be a corset over the top as well. However the very worst outfit I have put put on my meatsack was black converse, pink

Excuse you I have always been a fashion ICON

Wow, he's really got that '80s suburban redneck, bondo-covered '69 Camaro-driving, high school girl chasing, child support shirking, Skynrd listening, donut in the parking lot by Fotomat doing, look DOWN. That's quite something!

Michael K calls it the Hammaconda. :D

ooooh, you went there ... I was gonna say I’d bet his suit would have more than just nipples (ba dum tssh)

Literally every new thing I learn about Marky Mark makes me dislike him even more than I already did.

I know I’ll be in the greys forever, but I just had to post a picture of my super awesome dog who turned two this week. And yes I put him in a bow tie. I sure as shit did. 

Hi kids! Sorry, it’s been a long time. This summer has been batshit, and for some reasons Saturdays just haven’t lined up for me with SNS.

Hi! I’ve never posted on SNS before but it’s the wee hours (in Scotland) and I am sitting on a rollaway bed in hospital watching my 2 year old daughter sleep. Every time her blood oxygen level goes below a certain level a machine beeps like hell and wakes her up so I keep having to push her oxygen mask closer. But of

I want to pose a question to everyone: how do you pick yourself up after feeling like you’re a fundamentally unloveable piece of shit? I don’t know if anyone will read all the ensuing crap, so that’s the basic tldr. I desperately wish I had girlfriends. I hate men so much.

Sure, sex is great and all, but have you ever taken yourself away for the weekend to the coast and just did whatever the fuck you wanted for 72 hours? That’s what I’m doing, and it’s lovely! Slept in today, went for a walk on the beach, ate ice cream and pizza for dinner, then walked along the beach some more.

I mean this when I say it:  fuck these shit fuckers. I hope they die terrible, terrible deaths, alone and screaming for help. 

It’s a boy dog. Dogs are boys, cats are girls. It’s science.