
her day-to-day occupation is solving mysteries (1) WHAT’S THAT?, 2) WHO’S THERE?),

I liked Terry Crews before this story, and adore him now. I saw an interview with him, and he explained he felt a need to come forward, because if he wasn't willing to, how can he expect his wife or daughters to?

Is it weird the more and more I see them not so subtly do all this public stuff the more and more I believe the whole thing is either fake as fuck (cynical I know) or so intense it’s going to blow up badly?

Male host to male guest:

I love that even though the bullet point just said “more of these two” I knew it was a Pete and Ariana update. 

“Yes, he is a gorgeous man.”

Ugh. I still remember that.

Julia Roberts can spend the rest of her life posting photos of herself wearing t-shirts with messages on them, but they only make me remember the OG t-shirt:

“Everyone that comes in my house has tinted red arms from swatches and shadows.”

She is severe and mean. Remember the“a low Vera” shirt? 

Julia Roberts is that mean friend who sucks your life away...

Her bio, which currently contains no links, identifies herself as a “human.”

In fairness, Instagram won’t let you follow yourself, so “0 Following” it is.

I feel you, DG. I’m experiencing a similar sense of ennui. Ariana Grande’s existence grinds my gears to an irrational extent. She’s a fucking adult, wearing cat ears in public. Gaudy as fuck Louis Vuitton branded shit, no less. I probably shouldn’t care as much as I do, but fuck me, she is insufferable. 

I mean she is undoubtedly beautiful but she has the charisma of a wet paper bag to me. But I’m obviously the minority in that opinion. 

I know I’m being extra right now, but I can’t even enjoy dirtbag. I feel like this is election night all over again.

At the risk of a pretty awful humble brag, my circle of friends are primarily musicians, intellectuals, artists, therapists, etc., I work in TV, and I live in a very liberal neighborhood, so my perspective is certainly skewed, but that was largely my point. We’re certainly not the majority, but we’re out there, so I d

I was responding to the posters above who say straight white men don’t care. There are lots and lots of us out here who do, and I don’t appreciate coming here to commiserate about today’s awful news and see that nonsense.

Fuck off. I didn’t make it about me. The posters above did.
