
People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.

Fuck you, Roseanne.

That’s very valid.

So I watched Hannah Gatsby’s Nannette on Netflix tonight and I have feelings.

They look so happy!

You’re a real one, I appreciate the hell out of you. It’s not easy for those who struggle privately to hear all the *ahem* feedback from our fellow humans about issues such as this. Some days I feel resentful of having to reveal my own struggles to people who just aren’t getting it, but my hope is that it makes them

Ah, geez.

Totally. Sad either way. I just saw so many people say oh thank god he stayed sober or thank god he didn’t relapse. Like what? I’m probably taking it more personal than I should, but yeah just terrible. 

John Hannah, aka the perfect man.  OH how I love him. 

No remakes - a sequel twenty years later.  That Scottish fellow was a FAWX.  

I had this haircut in 1997.  Which one, you ask?  Why, both, I reply.

I’m 6'3 .. I will generally try to not obstruct the view of short people.. but it depends on how much I like the band and how much I’ve had to drink... I will admit to occasionally running out of fucks and standing up front at a show..

Those jawlines, lips, and noses. They were so vain they were dating themselves. My last Ex is engaged to a girl who could be his sister, they look so much alike.

so he swapped his seat for one toward the back

My 12 yr old kid managed to watch it ... .We had a talk about it

He looks like the kinda guy that would get a “Pete Grande” tattoo across his chest.


One of my many nieces and nephews (in this case a nephew) loved me as a baby but used to kind of freak out if I wore a shirt with a pattern or a T-shirt with a design on it. Off it went (I’m a guy) and he’d happily settle in on my hairy chest and I’d carry on with whomever else was in the room. He’d fall asleep but

Everything about this kid is bad news. If he pulls through, hopefully he becomes a better person and stop being a fucking mess. He’s only 20. Jeez.

And I you. You’re seeing how many people here think you’re awesome.