
Considering I’ve attempted suicide and survived, I don’t need someone like you, who seems to have little to no sympathy for actual suicidal people and are concern trolling, to tell me about my lived experiences, thank you very much.

Explanation #3: It’s because he’s still madly in love with Jen, of course. Who is pregnant with his baby.

A good beard always gets me. Mmm

Seriously. He’s always been hot but since he grew that beard...damn.

Yeah, he’s in the same category for me as Bill Murray - the “Celebs That People Love But Are Actual Dickweeds In Real Life And I Can’t Understand Why Folks Like Them” category. Or, to make things easier, CTPLBAADIRLAICUWFLT.

It’s part of some SATC retrospective which I don’t quite get.

yeah. that’s me. the show is so awful that I actually love watching it just to see how bad they can make it. my gf thinks I’m insane for watching it.

Cole Sprouse deserves better than Riverdale Season 2. His plots this season only looked good in comparison to Archie’s but were still pretty terrible. Also, not to knock his acting chops, but Cole’s not believable at all playing the tough guy. I almost snorted my wine when they had him wielding a switchblade late

Season two was DREADFUL. There was Archie and Veronica: Baby Mobsters, Hiram getting Archie arrested because that’s how you get rid of your daughter’s failed-capo boyfriend, whatever the fuck the whole Chic storyline was...

I feel extremely dumb for not having realized that before.

So, it just dawned on me that Willow and Jaden were named after Will and Jada and now I feel totally stupid but also... mind blown. That is some weird shit right there.

EVERY 15 year old thinks they are grown up, their parents are holding them back and they need to move out. One good thing about being lower middle class, my parents could just reply “How are you planning to pay for that?” 

I would like to point out that for a lot of women, body acceptance and body positivity are *still* new concepts. I’m an older millenial and during my teen years and 20s (my formative years), the tiny waist, mid-drift baring styles were all the rage (think Britney Spears/Christina Aguilera). Teen Vogue and Cosmo were

I own a nice little company where racists and bigots either keep their stupid mouths shut or get shown the door. No one has to live in a purity bubble, they just have to be smart enough to not run their mouths. You know, like goddamn adults.

Eye roll so hard at you right now

also the only reason i know how her name is spelled is because i binged all of riverdale this weekend and am obsessed with the entire cast now

it’s “lili” reinhart, not lily.

i think you’re right. im ashamed to admit i cut the tags off of my jeans in case it ever might be revealed inadvertently what size i am

It’s the size thing that gets me! I live in fear that I didn’t get all the tags and stickers off a pair of pants, and that I go around advertising exactly how fat my ass really is. I swear, pants from Costco have like 5 tags and stickers on them. Is this really necessary?