
Great writing.

Watch the Leftovers from HBO- especially the first season. Lots of hubba hubba moments.

Australia was allowed in because we are very oddly obsessed with it. Getting up at 4am to watch is dedication, yet hundreds of thousands of us do just that! We have parties with costumes, even before we were allowed to participate, and put in the money and lobbying required to secure a spot :) If we win, we promised

No need to sell me on Eurovision, aka, The Greatest Day Of The Year. Why America isn’t allowed in when fucking Australia and Israel are will continue to incense* me for the rest of my days.

I think that what makes Eurovison fun is that it’s campy and a “little” strange, but I feel like an Americavision would be too serious, it would be American Idol. Basically Eurovison is The Mummy with Brendan Fraser and an Americavision would be The Mummy with Tom Cruise.

Now playing

Eurovision is the thing we all like to claim is shite and we wouldn’t watch it but every year to a man you have a couple of drinks and watch the glorious geopolitical car crash that it is.


Oooh Me! Me! I have a great, story of how planning your life in high school doesn’t work out, but being a well rounded person and developing skills totally works out. (ETA: this ended up waaay longer than I meant it to. But it’s true.)

Your mom doesn’t want more than that. She wants your company. She wants to chat with you. She wants to maybe go for a nice walk with you - maybe the farmers market? Those are fun. She wants you to be happy. She wants to know you love her. She wants you to know she loves you too. She wants you to know you’re the best

I laughed at the “poorly bred goldendoodle” comment. Sure as hell didnt jump to “racist!” when i read it. This site is full of people using similar analogies to describe people.

No one ever says this about Frederick Douglass, Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poiter, Henry Louis Gates, Quincy Jones, or James Brown. At point all of these Black men who championed or were a beacon for civil rights were dating/married to White women. So why don’t they get the same stank eye too?

Hi Lil Tay,

As someone who has anxiety that at times has crippled my life, I’m actually really surprised and appreciative of Ryan Reynolds speaking about his severe anxiety. “But you don’t seem like that type of person!” Is something I hear all too often of people trying to dismiss or diminish my struggle with anxiety. You have

It saddens me to see otherwise smart people being so wrong about Guardians of the Galaxy.

If it was meant for people to know exactly what it meant, it wouldn’t have been so cryptic.”

And we love you!

Hi all! I haven’t been around much lately, so here’s an update. First up, the loveliness that is Catita:

She is gone!!!

Agreed. I saw Shallow Hal three times. Not because it was that great (it wasn’t; it was actually really slow) but because I found the ending so cathartic. When he sees her at the end as she really is, and he tells her she’s beautiful, and he obviously means it, I burst into tears. But then, I’m not one of the

I paid $1.50 for an orange at a deli today because I wanted to make a negroni tonight.