
As a naturally tubby person let me say that I call absolute bullshit on Theron’s ‘Oh gaining weight and KEEPING IT ON is soooooo hard’ story. Not gaining weight is hard. Maintaining weight LOSS is hard. You do not have to cram mac and cheese down your throat in the fucking middle of the night in order to not lose

Have you ever watched Parks and Rec bloopers? Unassailable confirmation that Chris Pratt is, in fact, Andy Dwyer. Bonus: Rob Lowe is not a fan.

I’ve always felt that I’d be a happier person and have an easier go of it in life if I’d been born just a little bit dumber. Thanks for the affirmation, Pratt!

I’m in a similar situation. I have been in a nearly 10 year abusive relationship. When the abuse started it was physical - slapping, choking, holding knife to throat, etc. He finally went to therapy and the physical abuse hasn’t happened for over a year but the emotional abuse continues. I’m told I’m a stupid,

First—CONGRATULATIONS on getting out of an abusive relationship. As a fellow escapee, I know how hard it is—and it seems like you are doing it without much of a physically present support system.

I lost about 80 lbs over several years. Office Magic’s suggestion is a really good one. Pick like 1 or 2 habits you want to change, and then focus on those. When they become typical behavior instead of something you have to actively work on, add a new habit.

Hah, go her! He totally deserved that.

I’m not putting anything called Mayochup in my mouth.

Ketchonnaise on the other hand...

Well I had a baby ten minutes before Monday was over. The placenta decided to rip itself away from my uterus in some sort of attempt to kill us both. That was the least fun I’ve ever had, but fortunately my intuition brought me to the hospital an hour earlier.

Once I stayed at a hotel for work where there was a clawfoot tub with a spout for bubblebath and THERE WAS A TV EMBEDDED IN THE BATHROOM MIRROR. I couldn’t stop talking about it on social media; my only concern was figuring out how to get photos that didn’t reflect naked parts of my body to the online world.

Missing stuffed animals are nothing to scoff at. I had a stuffed white polar bear (he was stuffed with softer beanie baby type stuffing rather than fiber fil) when I was 7 and it was the most awesome cuddle buddy right up into my difficult high school years. He went “missing” one day and it was devastating. I found

So, I have decided based on seeing a couple of your comments here, that I am going to follow you. And I am going to flag every single asshole thing you say. And I am not going to let you forget that you made fun of a wonderful human being by insulting that person vis a vi their addiction. That is a low fucking blow,

Eh, you might be a troll but I’ll respond. Yes, I’m a drug addict. And yes, I accept my responsibilities. Where did I blame anyone in my comment?

If people can see the cases of Ethan Couch and Brock Turner and dont believe that white privileged isn’t real, than they’re being deliberately obtuse.

With myself I’m of two minds: I want to take no more medicine! ALSO If it’s not broke don’t fix it! Nothing is easy. My best wishes for your great success however you go forward!

I’m still here. I know it’s off topic.

That is pitch perfect Ramona.

She looks like 30 years older with that hair.

Her commitment to that horrible hairstyle is almost admirable.

Have you ever seen the X Files episode told alternately from Mulder and Scully’s points of view? And Luke Wilson is in it? And when Mulder tells the story Luke Wilson is a hillbilly with buck teeth? Because it could be like that. Some of us are Scullys and others are Mulders. The Mulders of the world just don’t see