
He was in Misfits too. One of the first shows I ever binged. So good

Ive loved Joseph Gilgun since This Is England.

Didn’t care about the sex you begged to fuck my mind, you can get addicted to a certain kind of madness

Tom was my favourite of all them and he’s so endearing that I don’t even care if this is a bit contrived. MORE QUEER EYE MORE TOM.

Still need to add the arms (pretzel sticks with gum drops), but this is my Dalek birthday cake for my boys’ 11th birthday party tomorrow.

St. Patrick’s Day gradient with real gold!

Well, it is Friday!

I started irrationally disliking her years ago because of her character on Felicity, but stuff like this is why I continue irrationally disliking her so many years later.

I have a toddler and, re-watching Sesame Street, I have these same feelings about Bert. Sure it’s a bit weird that he’s so into pigeons and bottle caps, but the guy just wants to be left alone to read a book and get a good night sleep without his roommate/partner playing a bugle. I am now Bert. We are all Bert.

I currently have one dog—a 62 pound beagle mix—and 4 cats. The dog and anywhere from 1 to 4 cats sleep with me in my queen size bed. I leave the door propped open so the cats can go in/out at will and not bother me, but usually they’re all in my bed by morning. I have pretty severe rheumatoid arthritis and

I agree. In all honesty, and, in better days, I have never seen a better commenting system than Kinja. Were these sites ordinary commenting sections (like Huffington Post or the NYT), it would not be the same. Kinja allows for conversations rather than mere comments.

I’m coming to terms with my singleness as well after a lifetime of looking for other people to validate my existence. Turns out the only one who can validate your existence is yourself, and that’s actually not even bad.

I agree. And, while she’s intelligent in many ways, she’s incredibly gullible. She seems to have that “Goop” mentality of “This ‘expert’ is attractive and charismatic; therefore his/her opinions/treatments must be legit!”. From Dr. Oz to “The Secret,” she’s consistently championed pseudoscience and woo-hoo on her

People, Oprah running for president is NOT a good idea. NOT. Like, at all. Oprah is a very smart, very kind person, and those are great leadership qualities- but that’s not all that’s required of a president. I have no reason to think that Oprah can create and push through an infrastructure bill. Or oversee the

My daughter came to visit. She only lives a couple of hours away but works two jobs (such is the precarious work market for youth) so I hadn’t seen her since Christmas. We had a great time. Her whole life I have been in awe of what a strong, vital, fearless, no-fucks-given, decent human being she is. I look at her and

There will almost certainly be a historical drama made about this period in time, so I thought it might be fun to fantasy cast it. I don’t have the whole thing fleshed out, but so far I have (and I’m open to better options): Shia LaBeouf as Jared, Michael Emerson (Ben from Lost) as Eric, Dylan Baker (J. Edgar Hoover

What? As opposed to putting on costumes and lurking outside the protagonists’ house all night, looking photogenic and menacing and photogenic?

I actually really liked it! It takes a while to find its rhythm, but I thought it was really hitting its stride by the end of the first season, so I have a lot of hope for the second season.

I figured...but I want more. Doctor Who and Broadchurch aren’t enough for me. (I have a problem).

I wanna watch just because Timothy Olyphant is fine af.