
Try Misfits if you’d like a twist of sci-fi. At least season 1.

It puts the lotion on it’s skin.

Check out ‘Series 7: The Contenders’ for the best Brooke Smith

I’m feeling really let down by the healthcare system right now you guys. I’m dealing with two separate issues and I feel really stuck on both of them.

I would say I’m 100% sure this is the dumbest argument on the internet but you’d probably start a dumber one to prove me wrong.

Fuck Google sheet. I will send an Excel spreadsheet attached to an email from my gmail account to your gmail account. I am a fucking pro at Excel and it’s one of the top selling points on my resume. How many people do you know who can actually write formulas and turn that shit into graphs? And make those graphs

I’d say this deserves a bump! Australia has so much more than Iggy to offer!

As n Australian, I am so sorry. I am so so sorry. We should have tried harder to keep her contained to the island.

Clearly, English isn’t your first language. (God help you if it is.)

That celerity?

Well then I DEFINITELY don’t want her to fucking run. I am in no way voting for a president who thinks god, who is not real, actually speaks to them. The last thing we need is more fucking religion in positions of authority.

Okay, fine, I’ll take one for the team:

Can I both believe her and at the same time never in a million years think Ryan Seacrest would want his penis near a woman?

I must wholeheartedly ‘Ugh’ this. It is awfully self-satisfied and entitled to think you can swan around in a garment that makes you take up an enormous amount of room and jeopardize collections and also lead a lot of people to think you work for the space. I think she is just a fancy asshole.

His death was made abundantly clear in the midseason finale like, 8 weeks ago. This isn’t a spoiler.

This is stunningly pedantic.

Disqualified for having 3 poles and only showing 2.

Excuse you I am in public and do not have time for these red cheeks and a serious case of lady-boner.

Gun Kenworthy