
oh do share... would love to read

Clothing that “Hugs” is so beneficial for many people with autism. While I hate Lululemon, I don’t hate these as much as you do. If only they would have advertised it as such though... that would have been amazing.

and how many disabled women? and how many disabled black women?

it’s heartbreaking to see how blake just submitted. he’s a man who could have, should have fought back. the officer was in plain clothes.

sounds like quite the racket

+1 (or do I say -1?)

i prefer degrom.

Rumor has it Dr. Oz is looking for a resident Neurologist...

You want your tab picked up by me? You gotta go here.

i love this woman. want her to sketch me.

Will someone please clarify what the humor is that I’m not seeing? Granted, I did gag at the guy in the bikini bottoms... it’s not easy for me to laugh and barf at the same time.


uh, oftentimes those kids have disabilities you can’t see.

I’m hesitant to ever comment on what someone may or may not be, what someone may or may not have. But I also could not agree more with you. Your explanation is well written and concise. And what it comes down to for me is, at what point? And was it the weight loss that got her to where she ‘passed’ enough to hop on a

There won’t be one product made for her. People with Down Syndrome have body types that require clothing alterations. And this is the Paradox of Featuring Fashion Week Models with Disabilities. Of course she should walk. She should just walk in products that fit her body. Products made for Down Syndrome bodies.

First Baltimore steals Cleveland’s Browns. And now we’re stuck getting Baltimore’s wife beating scraps?

Can Kruger National Park fill his needs?

Yes. This! I’d want flosser sticks in my box!

I need a tomboy box with chapstick and sunscreen. Maybe some butt wipes too. Love those.