
Megyn Kelly Palette - 9/25/17-10/20/17

As an addendum, Russell Wilson released a personal statement on the matter:

There is no “Draft” to dodge. Except the NFL Draft. And these fools got drafted by the Browns. The BROWNS. It’s like the Afghanistan of NFL teams.

Free Takiyah Thompson! Call Durham, NC, District Attorney to demand charges be dropped against Takiyah and all anti-racists protesters: 919-808-3010. Donate to bail fund: http://Durhamsolidaritycenter.org/bondfund

I don’t know. I read that article this morning and was surprised at the number of comments about it being “sad.” IMO, just the fact that Smith is 94 years old and has enough mental acuity to be aware of her irrelevance automatically makes it not sad. What is unfortunate is that she only defines herself by what she

Female: Oh dear, you missed your turn, you silly goose. That’s a-ok, I’ll just recalculate your route. We’ll get you there luckity-split.

The guy at 6 seconds knows.

I honestly have never hated anyone as much in my fucking life. Literally everything he does wants me to punch a hole in the wall. His hand motions, the way he condescendingly looks down like “calm” when reporters are asking question, he’s muffin top build...everything about that man is punchable.

Can we crowd fund her legal fees?

Smoking is gross. Indoor smoking is even more gross. Indoor smoking that ruins original art pieces and haute couture gowns people spent months making for these idiots is reprehensible.

“Anyone who felt” immediately means “not an apology.”

Clark’s sincerity could not melt steel beams.

That is not an apology.

Mmm, historical hygiene. A friendly reminder that all historical dramas rarely mention that everyone, and everything, stank.

For the first half of that comment, I read it as her being hilariously sarcastic. “Oh how brave of you to monetize your celebrity life” sort of comment and then a sarcastic “I rely on sponsored content to guide my purchases instead of this big world of entrepreneurs and small businesses to support.” Then I realized

She calls herself a Mom Boss rather than a boss. She has two “girl” employees. I... do not care for this person.

Do you remember the rainbow cake story? That one can still make me lol.

I think this story made me even more lesbian, and I’m pretty goddamn non-child-wanting lesbian! The fuck is wrong with these people?! 

I’d do the same, but I’m pretty sure the IUD string would hang out of one of my nostrils.

Who the fuck ARE these people?!