
Off Topic, but does anyone else get this link at the bottom of the page? Has anyone clicked on it? I don’t know what it is and I’m unwilling to click to find out.

I’d say that about sums it up.

I may be wrong, but I think in-n-out serves pink lemonade. May be Mountain Dew in his cup.

Disabled Perspective: A medical professional seeking to delegitimize consumer apparel. The irony.

I increasingly struggle in my decision to watch football, a game I used to love. If any more of this happens this season, I don’t think I’ll be able to watch.

He should have assaulted the wife. The 49ers would have kept him...

The 49ers Release Bruce Miller after he allegedly assaults... not a woman.

I just cried for Leslie Jones.

Stanford Rapist, Brock Turner is getting out early and still wishes to swim in the Olympics some day. To that I say... LET HIM SWIM IN RIO!!!

Can we talk about the Jordanian prince and princess who bought the brownstone I have lived in for the past decade and are kicking everyone out? #Harlem #GentrificationComplete

This is amazing. Bernie’s messaging tells conservatives that if they don’t pick Merrick, they’ll get an even more liberal option under Sanders. Forces them to rethink Merrick.

I live across the street from a Scientology center in NYC. If anyone wants to help advertise this book using a projector onto their building, feel free to reach out. Would be quite fun.

this definitely elicits a sympathetic groan.

Brought to you by Chipotle and the Gawker Commerce Team

A gingham motorcycle jacket? I’m pretty sure that in and of itself would give me road rash.