
good luck saying Lululemon Lager while asian and drunk...

uh, where’s the timestamp? there’s always a timestamp.

What about Dick LeBeau? Defense won't suck.

agreed. she made a new fan in me today.

Has anyone drawn up a visual timeline of Sandra Bland’s time in custody? It’s can be hard to conceptualize timing... also, at what point was she moved to the new cell?

So often there’s a boys club. Normally a man would be publicly admonished, maybe put on temporary administrative leave, but we all know there are no repercussions internally. This is the first time I have felt there is a girls club. Slap her wrist and move on.

Wanna be friends?

I have no idea who Maurice Ndour is, but I am a former Bobcat, so therefore have determined that this is, in fact, a joke.

his mouth looks like a vagina with teeth.

If I knew how to update Wikipedia, I’d change Carli Lloyd’s profile to the Secretary of Offense.

I wonder how many times she has gotten that? I crack up just thinking about it.

It’s totally on purpose, right? The way your sponsored comment comes up a few seconds after your top headline loads, causing me to click on it? Native advertising is one thing, I’ve grown accustomed to that, but this, this is something else entirely and it doesn’t feel fair. What is it anyway? A #clicktrick instead of

why aren’t people with disabilities ever included in this conversation? or am I just that “many other characteristics” she’s referring to?

what about female bloggers? i want my very own pair of joggers to not jog in!

you won’t be getting any freebies from them.

Pirro, the only other character in this story as colorful as Durst. Oh wait, this is real life?

I look about 7. The running joke among my friends is I once got these seats in 2012, and had never had close seats before. So when AROD came trotting in from 3rd base, I didn’t realize players tossed the balls to children. I waved my arms and shouted for the ball and he tossed it to me. I was so excited and look over

highlight of my life.

he clearly wants to and thinks he can fuck the dowdiness out of poor greta.