
As it should. It was a poorly phrased question. I hope you'll consider reading through the thread because I have attempted to clarify what I was trying to ask when I initially posed the question. But then again, it might only make your head hurt even more. My apologies for the headache.

I know you shouldn’t have to type that. It was a poorly phrased question, so I apologize if I infuriated you (I quickly left myself shaking my head - I’m not a troll). What I had attempted to ask is now that students, professionals, and unfortunately even politicians experience consequences for literally putting black

To clarify, blackface is never acceptable. Ever. Seeing Kelly Osbourne’s wig made me think that Rachel Dolezal is going to be a hugely popular halloween costume. And it makes me wonder if someone puts on a wig and claims to be a woman who did claim to be black, if by simply donning the wig is its own blackface. Can

Question. When Halloween rolls around and frat boys worldwide don a Rachel Dolezal costume... will it be considered acceptable blackface?

I agree. And I also feel that’s where empathy can also be a bit short sighted. Sometimes my feelings are that of a baby seeing a parent cry. The baby cries, not necessarily out of reflex but because on a very basic level it understands what a tearful parent represents. The past few years have opened my eyes to what

Thank you for your thoughtful response. I do understand where you are coming from. And I have read as much as I can possibly muster on this story. Somebody posted something today that exemplifies what I (someone who has come out on the sunnier end of a hefty mental illness struggle) have felt from the get go. It’s the

this is so 1990. who cares if she was paid. who cares if they paid. we can all agree, lots of people are profiting off of this.

Ok, ok. Point taken. I’m mostly alone with the empathy thing. I’m fine with that.

At what point can we sit back and just acknowledge that this is her experience and look at it with a bit more empathy? She's hurting. Her family is hurting. Everyone is hurting.

I don’t understand and have never been able to navigate reddit. It just isn’t my thing. But I can’t help but wonder... is there a subreddit on Jezebel posts? If so, what do they say about Jezebel’s readers and writers?

I can’t wait to introduce Somsack Sikhounmuong, the new head of the women’s division to YesJCrewCane!!!

rumor has it, the love interest will be played by former Barclay’s intern supervisor Justin Kwan!

what does /s/ mean?

couldn’t agree more :)

Athletes and sport are one of the things I think most about. I like to look at assistive devices for differently abled, but in the scope of people with extreme abilities and how they also experience stigma. One of the things that interests me most is the stigma of the pitchers padded cap. I wrote this post last year,

:) Thank you too! So jealous your privy to such cool info!

I’m currently reading obsessively about the NYTimes Thong/Granny Panty article (I write about disability). And I’m starting to think the article is misguided. I think women are sick of the ‘purposeful’ aspect of their underwear being no lines, no visibility whereas men get marketed the purpose of comfort, doesn’t

bummer! i’ve been writing about how consumers (more specifically, female consumers) are increasingly interested in products that are sustainable and purposeful. Would have enjoyed reading this.

I’d love to read it... do you have a link?