
Yep. No Snowden is he. He is afraid of the US government, but given his antics, he should be afraid of the American people. I wonder if he knows how much he is hated here.

Nice try, but there’s plenty of dicks in video games.

Video game sex scenes, regardless of the amount of work it takes to make them or the amount of “importance” it has to the story or character development, will always be an excuse to shoehorn in polygonal tits. Call me when games start swinging dong.

“Armies of sockpuppet accounts strategically liking, commenting, and sharing are able to inflate the visibility of posts until they reflect an ideological consensus that may not actually exist.”

This article just proves the problem with society. You write the half truth and uneducated people take it as the full truth. I paid capital gains tax on my investments so that must mean that I am paying a“ lower rate on that than you are, even though you fucking work for your money.” The problem with this is that I

It could fund the entire budget of the State Department and the Labor Department, and still have enough left over to purchase every NFL team except the Jaguars and shut them down, so the Jaguars would win the Super Bowl, by default.

Fuck you, shithead. Get a job and stop trying to leech onto others, U commie bitch!

Uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh she (Kara Brown) isn’t white. But nice try.

I’ve always believed the incessant push to get everyone to attend college only oversaturates the market and devalues all degrees. College these days really isn’t what it used to be decades ago.

If you work at amazon at a fulfillment center, I’d be looking for a new job in 5 years.

Can confirm. First thing I noticed about the shower in the apartment me and mrs. mcdonut are moving to is that there is no obvious place to put the drink in this new shower.

I just want my damn phone to fit comfortably in my pocket. It’s getting to the point where a mobile-phone is no longer going to be very mobile.

Flat wages plus higher prices as a result of regulatory costs and monetary policy. The private passenger automobile will be a rich man’s toy again once the cheap credit is no longer able to compensate for both.

Will the beaches be gone, or will they just move inland? This could be good news for those who settled on a home a little east of the beach.

I am quite familiar with science; I have two advanced degrees in the “hard” sciences, and I can tell you that you can bend and coerce data to say anything-freaking-thing you want it to. You’re being played for what’s been termed a “useful idiot” (not my term): somebody who can be manipulated and scared to then vote

I don’t think anyone buying these behemoths are all that concerned about fuel economy.

Bingo. It’s amazing how the definition of hero can change depending on who's dirty dealings are exposed.


So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?