
Excellent points all. And, almost immediately after returning from a trip to Bermuda last month, I culled, cropped and warmed or toned all the pics I felt fit into a story line. And, moved them into a presentation medium I knew I was going to use before leaving. Apple has a number of formats to present all your (now)

I guess it’s not gonna help here if I tell you I read your teacher’s name as: Mrs. V. However.

Something simular. I opened a credit card specific to a cruise line for a cruise I was taking later that year. I didn’t need the extra credit but thought (wrongly) that there would be extra rewards doing so. Just opening the card and not using it brought my credit score from above 800 to below 800. Poo!

May I make an observation that is not covered here? I’m 65 and since the Olden Days there was always a change bowl inside my dresser. Twice, three times a year I manually rolled, and then later, brought the contents to a machine to be counted and redeemed. And it’s important to note here that I was a cash man,

Excellent suggestions all. And I’d like to add three more.

I sat on the board of a private school, was known as a confirmed bachelor, and got a text from the head master asking me to pick up milk and did I want to “do it” later? Tho, I woulda bought a whole cow to make it happen, I left the text alone and waited. A few hours later, another text, “Never mind”.

May I suggest a shower/beer caddy? And a straw; a straw works really well.

Wasn’t it J.P. Morgan that said “If you don’t know you can’t afford it.” And here’s a clue: just about all trucks with a standard engine get about 19 mpg. Load or pull a couple of tons and it does down, way down. Duh.

“Going, driving and you guys gotta pony up $25/head.”


Okay, this is not my story, and is over 47 yo so hopefully there are no details to protect. After coming out of a coma from spinal meningitis, my night nurse told me this story: As the head ER nurse in a leading hospital she was in a meeting when an orderly, wanting to spook her, tapped her elbow with a body part from

Do you register negative votes? I’m all Apple all the time, but I am not fond of their mouse. But it’s the only one that reliably works. It's just that for me the ergonomics aren't there.

So my Jack Russell and I live in a resort area in Vermont and up until this summer haven’t had any real problems with bears. But now we do. They visit all the full garbage bins left behind by our weekend neighbors, usually spreading the contents far and wide. Now, the problem is, Useless has taken to “dining out” each

I’m wondering just how many folks out there know the pronunciation of “Barre”?

Um, after spending more than one meal out with my mom’s octogenarian friends I think I know what's behind this.... You see, pita is not pita bread, it's pita something else.

Do this: 👍🏻👍🏼👍🏽👍🏾👍🏿


Gaud, it musta been 30 years ago now that The Gays who are fab fashion forward, were wearing sweat pants 2 or 3 sizes way too small. A female friend at the time told me that this only worked if you had a nicely rounded a** and maybe something up front too. I think her rules still apply.

"It's disrespectful," said Mary Rich, the councilor who introduced the measure. (Who, it's worth pointing out, is African American.)