
I feel the SE/5 is the worst offender. It looks really long for how big it is. That being said, it is one of the best phone sizes by far.

Sure, it starts out with dancing stuffed toys but then it's covering human bodies, suffocating them to death before reanimating their corpses to be used with murderous intent.

Some one is gonna stick this on their penis. I guarantee it.

Honestly, it’s a perfectly reasonable punishment - two years at a youth facility is long enough that he’ll never think about doing it again, but not so harsh as to completely destroy his life and prospects over a (non-violent) crime he committed as a kid.

Waiting for the inevitable commenter who thinks the punishment handed down is too harsh.

I also prefer the size of the SE. My last phone was a debate between the 7 and the SE. SE won out on size.

Shoutout to all the kids who answered “present” when a substitute teacher paused during roll call.

I suppose it all depends on whether or not he sent them, which so far has only been substantiated by third parties who “saw” the offending photos. I never thought of him as a stupid man despite disagreeing with his points regularly, so I have to wonder if he’s going both barrels on this because he actually is

There isn’t enough lithium in the world to produce batteries for electric cars and grid-scale power systems. Lithium is a scarce and unfortunately non-renewable resource - and China has most of what’s left in the ground.

When done properly, nuclear is extremely powerful and awesome!

There are different types of nuclear plant, such as modern generation pebble bed reactors, which don’t have the downsides and meltdown risks of older designs. We’re also going to see fusion reactors come online in the next five years, which create no waste and cannot melt down. Renewables are nice, but nuclear will be

maybe, but nuclear is a pretty good alternative to most of the other ways we generate electricity too.

I’m a frequent flyer, who almost exclusively flies United.

I’d LOVE to say no to funeral invitations. There’s not a single one I’d like to attend - not even my parents. I guess funerals serve a purpose for other people, but I find them pointless. But of course, I’m gonna be the asshole if I don’t go.

Sorry, but this is sort of BS. We did this to pay some emergency expenses off. Our credit score stayed about the same. The big hit came when Progressive motorcycle insurance reviewed our credit. They hit us with a $150 increase (25% bump on the premium) as we opened a credit card account too recently and it added

30% utilization really is the magic number. I accidentally went just over 30% due to a large purchase, and my credit score dropped over 100 points. Utilization is definitely something that you want to keep a close eye on.

Did it help stop the violence? No, it just inflamed it and more people died.

I don’t contest the fact that she meant well. But like they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

She violated her oath and put peoples lives in danger, possibly with some losing their lives. She should have never gotten out. You all sympathize with her because she is depressed and trans, but she fucking signed up for this.

ESPN fell into the same trap that other news companies have: