
One would think if you were gong to leave a comment one would read the article: “I actually wiped the laptop off pretty thoroughly before I took the photo below, but you can still see the smudging on the trackpad and case:”

No one should shame or stigmatize Charlie Sheen for being HIV positive. They should shame and stigmatize him for being a woman beater (and shooter) and a piece of garbage.

I heard Yelp was trying to sue Southpark over that (apparently not seeing the delicious irony), which I found hilarious. I don’t remember where I heard it, though.

It’s too bad they aren’t killing those shitty ass $5 headphones they’ve been hawking for $300 to idiots. It’s weird because I think Dr. Dre (PhD) was actually like how can I make black people even poorer...? Oh I’ll sell them worthless shit that I’ve given to famous people for free. Ya know those poor ass african kids

Yeah and they all start their reviews with pretentious, douchey backstories like...

i cant tell if this is a real post lol. you’re either the best son/daughter to great parents, or the best troll ever.

Finger-lickin’good takes on a whole new meaning.

I am a female physician. I did my residency in the 1990s and I remember the nurses as a godsend. We had to run the ER as residents when we were one year out of medical school. It was a busy urban ER and drug overdoses and end stage HIV (it was during the height of the epidemic and there was no great treatment) as well

I just have to say, I love nurses. My parents are nurses, my wife is a nurse, my aunt is a nurse, and nurses have been the best advocates for me whenever I’m hospitalized (which is, sadly, far too often.) Ya’ll are doing amazing work, and I wouldn’t have made it these last 29 years without the help of nurses.

What Africa need is birth control. It may sound rude, but face it: there are no food resources, it’s overpopulated and they have no jobs.

And that sort of logic and short term thinking is why there is so much government waste all around.

Calm down - they will take rates up by a quarter point every three months... not even worth talking about until we get a year into it.

You are the reason people think Liberals are retarded.

You sir... hurt my brain.. fking liberals.

Many years ago at the group home for developmentally disabled teens where I worked there was a resident who really, really wanted to go to the best steak house in the city for his 18th birthday. He had behavior and anger issues, but was determined to earn that birthday dinner, and he managed it. So another staff

Phew! I was having a minor breakdown (spamming F5) because BCO was two minutes late.

See, you’re guilty of oversimplifying too.

as a country, we need to finally admit that Fireball is horrible