
I’m just thinking how long it would take to feed 150 people out of a food truck!

There was a house in the neighborhood that was consistantly rented to the lowest bunch of pond scum this side of the primordial ooze. Once, there was a couple of guys that actually worked on their motorcycles in the living room. Then one night, the house mysteriously burned to the ground. Problem solved.

These retards are ruining drones for all of us. I hope they are caught.

I was just going to suggest a machine gun.

Aside from the fact that it would be stupid to take the risk, the drones they are dealing with are not of the little Toys R Us variety:

I believe the proper name for a group of teenage girls is a gossip.

Totally agreed. I love the different perspective on people I don’t particularly like. I’m certain they have tried to book Donald Trump for years, which would get my dander up, but I’d still listen and wouldn’t write in hate mail to NPR or threaten to cancel my annual giving.

$10,000+ for a product from a company who uses planned obsolescence very well. Better trade in that old $10k watch for a new one! The Jones will notice!

I've owned a crap load of Apple products and will continue to own them. But on this watch, I not only say no, but FU Tim Cook NO!

Thanks! It's just the tip of the iceberg of mildly OCD things. I think lifehacker's the only place where tons of structure and foreward planning are wholeheartedly endorsed— my gf thinks I'm slightly crazy.

God I hate the seahawks (I'm a 9ers fan)...I also hate the Pats cuz I don't wanna hear my friends gloating for the next year. BLAH. This is like the worst superbowl ever honestly.

ROI is definitely there... just going to take a while. Save the old bulbs, and take the LEDs with you if you move!

I think in two year's time there will be three options - 4.7" iPhone 7, 5.5" iPhone 7+, and a 4" iPhone 7 mini.

Give me a 5s with NFC and I'd buy it in an instant. I don't want a phone bigger than the 5s but I would love to have the NFC feature.

I do bookkeeping for a medium sized business (8 stores, 1 food truck, 50+ employees) and the states (we're in 2 states) minimum wage are already higher than the federal minimum wage. As far as we're concerned, increasing the federal minimum wage either means nothing or increasing our customer base depending on which

This kind of mentality drives me crazy. So you mean keeping taxes low or not allowing the minimum wage to jump up 8 dollars is against small business. You obviously have never owned a small business and probably don't deal with much in the business world or you would realize the biggest thing hurting the small

Not surprising that Kinja/Gizmodo fails to mention that Democrats adamantly support NSA spying, whereas Republicans oppose. I guess they only mention instances where Republicans are in the wrong.... smh...

seriously, my replies get held in limbo for years awaiting mods approval but shit spam like this gets through everytime..