

Only a coach who is insecure about his talent and skill takes that job. That tells me everything I need to know about Jay Gruden.

Eh, I think your perspective is as egregiously oversimplified as the Times'.

Wait, how is Snyder's dickhead behavior complex? That's not addressed whatsoever in this article. Or are you insinuating he's complex because he has a true desire to win? And if so, that does not make a man complex. Of course he desperately wants the team to win. The whole point of owning the team is it serves as an

And by "support" his gay family members he means encourages them to seek sexual orientation therapy.

The difference, Madam, is that you don't feel detached from that voice that tells you to shovel your neighbor's driveway. You regard it as you, perhaps a dimension of you, but still it's you. However in the case of violent crazies they always describe these "voices" as other, as separate, as distinct forms of

These fucking voices. Why don't they ever tell people to do nice things, like help old ladies across the street or donate your time to homeless shelters. It's always "blow this up!" ... "Kill that!" ... or "Why don't you grow a beard!"

Oh Christ I can 't imagine the fun InfoWars is gonna have with this.

Giver Hysterical Aunt a break, alright? 2013 has been a rough year, what with her fertility issues, getting evicted from her NOPA flat, and losing her cush PR gig at Zynga.

Bogey man.

My Doom memory... I had just moved in with my girlfriend in 1994. We were young, just out of college. I used to play Doom every night back then. A pre-bedtime ritual.

Dom, your work covering the Sandusky shitshow was fantastic. For that alone, thanks a lot.

This is unbearably silly. The only statistical number that matters here is our knowledge gained is a sum total of zero.

"Lost my placement" my ass. Tomlin is clearly side-stepping the issue.

I'm floored that a Bama fan like yourself is so well spoken. Your grammar is impeccable. Anyway, sorry for your loss.

Wow. Color me surprised. I figured at least one dangling cigarette from a sleeping passenger would've taken down at a half-dozen back in the day.

"I'd fuck her... and her.. and her... definitely her..."

Really? Not sure I buy that. These were structurally weak planes. Hit a bad a bad storm and they got tossed around pretty good. Not to mention this was the age when men were men, and by that I mean always drunk. So the pilots were probably pretty sauced for most of the trip.

Good article, but one question I was hoping it would address to satiate my morbid curiosity is how frequently the traveling rich & famous encountered fiery deaths en route to exotic locales. 1 in 1000 chances? 1 in 10,000?

What the fuck is this mesh shit in the shoulders?