
I did some post graduate work at Syracuse. A lot of guys look like this.

Let me guess — none of these lucid and rationale explanations have changed your mind?

It would behoove your argument to explicitly express why the inclusion of LeMay and Harris should be regarded as PC nonsense, especially when LeMay himself said he would be a convicted war criminal if he wasn't a victor. Short of a rationale explanation, you come off as an entitled American dope, probably white,

Why is the standing ovation weird? He was a great player and apparent class act who these beat journalists covered for nearly a decade. He said goodbye, they gave an ovation.

Didn't he also have a family member that was eaten by a shark? (Seriously)

Please call your grandmother this week, will you? And stop fisting her ass.

Woulda been better to word it as "get ahead..." but whatever nice job.

People don't like plain cheese pizza and people don't like Ed Sheeran. We seek our own demons and tormentors.

I've always felt the hype never lived up to the reality, UNLESS the lady friend follows the aforementioned steps on pre-cleaning, which is really a lot to take care of. There is nothing that kills the mood faster than wafts of poo.

I'm no date-rapin'-Bill-Cosby-type, but this is a great illustration of why today's pants-around-your-ass youth aren't thinking clearly. Notice the difficulty this young deviant has running from one car to the next? It's because his fucking pants are around his thighs.

Think how much taller he'd be if you just unfolded his face.

Bed, Bath & Beyond has them in the Beyond section.

awesome read.

I resent that.

I'll tell you this much—the moment they start coaching offensive linemen techniques on how to get away with subtle holds on every play, or when they teach defensive backs how to interfere with receivers beyond the recognition of refs, THEN I'll be beyond myself and lose all faith in the integrity of the game.

Look, can it assassinate a journalist or not?

Reader Shrugged.

For funsies:

The best game on the old first-gen Mac was "Sun Tzu's Art of War." I've searched high and low for an emulator of that but unbelievably I can't find one. It was a rad little combat strategy game based on Sun Tzu's teachings.

If he was a Redskin they wouldn't be looking at all.